I`ll drop myself in as a contender for this, but I must say, I`m a little concerned about coming off as a showoff or anything like that. Fact is, I had no idea about how I measured up with other guys, and I myself felt the same insecurities that a lot of us have or have had. My girlfriend (now ex!) was always complimentary so I never had reason to complain, but I always wanted that bit more for myself. I like the shock factor you get when you unveil your package :)
Anyways, I started out at 9.25 and am aiming for a 10.5, but I`m in no rush. Maybe that size is overkill and I should be happy with what I`ve got, but the man within wins and I want more :)
My thread is here; Starting Pic 9.25X6.5
Thats the best pic I have at present, but I plan on taking some with the tape measure and flaccid ones too to log my progress, so there is evidence available for the doubters also.
The thread mentioned above is excellent inspiration for us all, and I`d like to thank you all for talking so frankly and honestly about what is still quite a taboo/embarrassing subject for most.