It’s a personal decision to attempt to grow one’s dick so it’s understandable that one must personally convince oneself to entertain these thoughts especially if you’re encountering this as reality for the first time (I won’t insult anyone by referencing myriad ideas that have reshaped our existence, but for example, it was once beyond doubt that our world was flat and that humans nor pigs could fly - airplanes and catapults proving the latter). Some of us are true believers of whatever is in the wind, while others are complete skeptics as was I, but after accidentally stumbling onto this site and reading hundreds upon hundreds of posts in disbelief (and as was stated before, the search function is your friend as all questions/concerns have been asked before), I slowly got hooked by the personal testimonials of men who had no reason to lie (some have no doubt, but if you’ve been around, you can detect the difference).
I did my homework not because I was initially looking for a bigger dick but because the relentless amount of anecdotal evidence and occasional, convincing photographic evidence was worthy of attention (referencing what some others shared earlier but also an historic thread that compelled me to keep trying this even after a year of having tried it with scant results was: 2-inch Growth Comparative Pictures). This data wouldn’t let me walk away without at least giving it the college try because if I was honest, I wanted a larger unit as anyone would were it possible.
Any of us can tear anything (including history) to shreds if we set our minds to it, but when continuing to try PE after a year of failure (again, staying encouraged by many member’s progress reports and the occasional photo), I kept at it and kept at it and eventually, 1.6” of growth later, I have no need of any person or any study to convince me what I have now personally experienced as fact. As many of us do, I just sit here serene in my own success and the bonuses of the additional self-awareness & maturity that this journey brings it practitioners (because if you can do what medicine & science say is impossible, what else can you do that you thought was impossible?).
Nothing but a bit of time to lose if you try it OP and perhaps you may get very lucky as a number of us have.
Life is short - your dick doesn’t have to be!
Now (07/24): 7.1 x 4.6 - vol 12.1 ci :woot2:
Starting (01/17): 5.5 x 4.4 - vol 8.4 ci