Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why did you decide to do PE


I see a lot of new members posting. Welcome aboard to all of you and good luck.

It’s been a while I don’t even know why I started. I think it could be that time when I saw my friend’s unit, which is about 8.5 bpel he told me. We were both about 15 and I knew I would never be in peace as long as I’m not close to that size. Furthermore, I’d just enjoy that thing bouncing against my thigh all day long.


7 11/16" ELBP, 7 3/16" NBPEL 5 5/8" EG (mid), 8 1/8 " SL

Goal : 8" NBP 6" EG (mid)

Originally Posted by Rhadames
At my age, I decided I’d see if it works. My wife passed away and so there was plenty of time. Let’s say it was either PE or golf. Why putter around in the hot sun when I can PE in the cool house.

I read about PE somewhere and checked it by reading what the doctors said about it —-which they agreed that it couldn’t be done. But, I tried it. So, at soon to be 75, instead of shriveling, I’m getting very close to the elusive 8. Since August of 2005 I’ve gained a little over an inch. If I can live long enough it’ll happen, because with patience—-it works.


Great story!!!

For me, it was partially about aesthetics. It’s not so much about size as it is about form, shape and proportion to the rest of the body; kind of like how a bodybuilder might look at how developed his traps are compared to the rest of his body. Ideally, it’s about getting my penis up to par with the rest of my physique. We can and do train just about everything else, including things that aren’t readily apparent — balance, aerobic capacity, voice quality and support, etc. — So why should the penis be any different?

The other part is about getting a well-rounded sexual ability. For me that includes things like male multiple orgasm (key sound techniques as well as reduction of the refractory period), knowing how to do a good internal and external genital massage, tongue exercises for cunnilingus and so on. PE is a natural part of that.

The bottom line for me is that it’s a part of being a well-rounded and healthy human being: to know yourself, and how to use, develop and maintain what you have, and what you are.

The women in my life haven’t been terribly supportive of the idea and tend to see it as an ego thing, sometimes going so far as to refer to guys who have developed some of these things as “freaks.” If that’s how they choose to view it, then that’s fine, I guess. Regrettable, but everyone’s entitled to value and view things as they choose. I know why I’m doing it — and I’m comfortable in that knowledge.

For me I found out that my mule has many issues (I.e. Turkey neck, huge fat pad) and I wanted to correct those issues and if I get a little bigger that’s great to!

Just had a look at you statistics. Good results, peforeal! How big are you now?

Originally Posted by peforeal
I always wanted a bigger dick for my own male ego issues, and when PE seemed to provide an answer to my problem, I took the plunge and haven’t looked back since.


Cant remember if I’ve already posted in this thread but anyway … to train the one muscle I cant do at the gym!!! You can build massive shoulders & chisel rock hard abdominals so why not create the perfect penis ? Fully develop my body & be shy no more :)

To tell you the truth I do it for ego.

I started PE because most of the women I have been with have commented that I have a “big dick”. This is probable because of my girth (5.5”) and used magnum condoms because they fit. I finally decided that I would like to hear that I have a “big dick” and feel the same way. This is why I PE.

I always wanted a bigger dick for my own male ego issues, and when PE seemed to provide an answer to my problem, I took the plunge and haven’t looked back since.


:up: I have to concur with Peforeal, ego. But I was in the dark years ago about the average size. I really never worry about it or cared. But today, I’m going for it, with no goals to stop soon.


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