Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why do I Need A Bigger DIck


Originally Posted by Checker
The groupie board is:
The Long & Short Of It … World Famous Penis Chart! – Metal Sludge

Have fun, it’s hilarious!!

I guess average length among rockers is 9 LoL

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

Ha! Yeah, I know some of the other guys on the list. The groupies are very exacting with their stat management. My 7-8” long cock doesn’t throw them into a frenzy of shock & Awe. But I just got out of a doctors exam. After he left, the nurse stayed with me sitting on the exam table in a Slayer t-shirt & nothing else. I was talking to her about religion, politics, and Metal drummers. She was alternating between eye contact and staring at my dick continuously. Her mouth was half open, she looked mesmerized, it was kinda funny. She was newly out of school and working in a practice. The exam was over and I was so busy with the conversation I hadn’t started to get dressed yet. She seemed to enjoy talking to a naked man enough to forget her other patients.

Though I was flaccid, I was at nearly erect size.

Daily pumping keeps this Grower interesting.


From what I understand, men in a locker room tend to fluff to semi erection to appear larger.

I think it’s better to be a grower than a shower, since it says something about the elastin to collagen ratio of your penis I think.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Originally Posted by Sigmoid
From what I understand, men in a locker room tend to fluff to semi erection to appear larger.

Good observation +1 :)

You’re probably correct about the locker room fluff Sigmoid. I can’t fluff without going straight to Boi-Oi-Oing! Lol. So I can’t do that in the gym.

I’m already noticing that my flaccid state no longer shrivels down to where it used to, pretty much permanently now. After a year of pumping I’m at 5.9” long/ 4.7” circumference, flaccid, minimum. Still not where I want to be when I hit the nude beach. But I bet I’ll be 7 x 5.5 limp by summer.


Originally Posted by lowe
Above 10, I agree, can be dangerous if exposed to it for long sets.

You can have:
-A general breakdown of the outer layers of skin that can fall off at once and give you a drastic peeling effect that allows que lymph fluid to ooze from the very pores, like a sponge.
-red dots
-big red dots, or clots
-extensive discoloration due to a mega red “dot”

and others

I had been pumping at 15 psi for over a year with no ill effects whatsoever.
I am ratcheting it down to 10 psi now and increasing time.
I do have to rebuke the words of injury and symptoms of trauma spoken over me, in Jesus Name.
I am taking your advice. But will not accept those words. Cool?
All my best,


inHG not psi

Sorry I keep referring to the pressure as psi. It’s 10 inHG I’m ratcheting down to from 15 inHG. I’m not used to using that kind of measurement.

That doesn’t mean I accidentally used inches instead of millimeters on my stats! LOL!


It’s actually vacuum and not pressure. Unless you see it as absence of pressure.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Disclaimer: Post is for entertainment purposes only. Zero liability past, present, future. Common sense says. If any discomfort begins stop immediately before any pain begins. Each individual must define for themselves what comfort, discomfort and pain is. Petechia is a small red or purple spot on the skin or conjunctiva, caused by a minor bleed from broken capillary blood vessels.

Last edited by Exposuremeter : 12-23-2019 at .


May 2020 be the year we reach our MASSIVE Goals!!


Originally Posted by Checker
May 2020 be the year we reach our MASSIVE Goals!!

Right on Checker! May 2020 be our year!

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

20cm in ‘20!

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.


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