Why Does It Work For Some & Doesnt For Some
I have noticed that there are some people who start PE from scratch, yet it doesnt quite work for them ? Either they see no gains over a period of a year or so and quit, or there are some that take years to see a gain of 1 inch or less. Going by the science, it should work more or less for all, if certain things like consistency & technique are appropriate ? I have a strong feeling that end of the day it comes down to consistency and technique. When I say technique this is a broad term which includes exercises or devices, stress of each exercise, rest, decon, etc. Even simple exercises like jelqing many times people feel they are doing it correctly but its possible that they arent (in the process of trying to finish 100-200 or whatever number they forget to do it correctly). I feel it is more like fine tuning an engine and find what your penis responds to. Please correct me if I’m wrong. Even if genetics is taken into consideration, I still feel some extra growth can still be milked out of the penis when practicing PE.