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Why is my rice sock wet underneath after microwave heating

Why is my rice sock wet underneath after microwave heating

Actually not a sock. I’ve cut up some shirt and filled it with rice.

Anyway, last week, I washed it and filled it with new rice. Now every time after microwave heating, there’s a wet spot underneath it. Never happened before I washed and refilled the sock. What gives?

I am using regular jasmine rice and a cotton shirt.

Rice is a natural moisture absorber so I am guessing that perhaps you are having some rainy weather or high humidity and your rice has absorbed moisture from the air. Then heating the rice forces the moisture out and results in the wetness. It might help if you keep your fresh rice in an air tight container to keep it from absorbing moisture in the air.

Perhaps you have heard of the method to rescue electronics like phones that have been dropped in water by placing the phone in a bowl of uncooked rice to draw out all of the moisture?

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Last edited by gprent : 03-10-2013 at .

Sorry for the threadjack, but just wanted to mention Argerich’s Rach 3 is by far my favorite rendition.

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