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Will jerking off or sex interfere with....


Will jerking off or sex interfere with....

Does masturbation or engaging in sex have an adverse effect on either resting or gains made? I was just curious as to what your answers would be? Also does anyone have a martial arts or weight training routine that works with the PE? I made my resolutions to hit the gym up and take up kick boxing and was wondering what may be over kill with pe and this.

Dude, sex/masturbation and PE do not mix, so keep them seperate. having both on the same day is fine, but keep them at least a couple of hours apart, also, try not to masturbate during the PE session.

I don’t personally have any exercise routines handy, but any kind of physical exercise is good for your PE efforts, as well as overall general health, because it raises hormone levels such as testosterone and growth hormone. You should probably try not to overtrain though as this will not only cut back your gains in muscle but your dick will suffer as well. if you overtrain then no part of your body can grow, including that one part we’re all trying to make grow ;)

Also I do not personally recommend kickboxing as a choice of martial art, especially if it is your first…. It is helluva brutal and not very complicated or graceful. I wont go into the history or anything, but this is basically because it is designed with the sole purpose of inflicting as much fatal force as possible. Eg shatter the ribs, smash in the face, and crush vital organs. It is not a pleasant sport, especially if you go to competition level. I would much rather promote something more skillful, kung fu is brilliant in it’s grace and style, and it will give you just as good a workout as kickboxing could ever.

Hope that helped. :D

I greatly appreciate your feedback. I was wondering if you just not jerk off at all. Weird, I know but I am just trying to get the maximum amount of return for the least amount of effort. Sorry if that makes me sound lazy.

Does any body building supplaments lie that creatine and other products work well with pe? I read where what this stuff basically does is allow you to heal up faster so to speak. Isn’t that what we would want with PE too?

That’s what people say…

Perhaps it’s just a myth, perhaps not.

When you ejaculate, you achieve a maximum erection, so it’s a lil PEing by itself, not to mention circulation and so on. Some say chemicals released might interfere with growth.

I don’t like kick boxing either. Doing some calmer MA and loving it. My hands got much stronger from Ulis which helps alot with the MA techinques :jumpblue:


Will jerking off or sex interfere with....

> I greatly appreciate your feedback. I was wondering if you just not jerk off at all.

Try edging. With it you’ve pretty much got the best of both worlds. Edging and squeezing work together very well.


I have done tae kwon do like fifteen years ago for a summer. I even folled around with tai chi. But the reason for western kick boxing is that I am weasel. Women love those classes. I mean were will you find the same # of girls in shotokan or judo?

hey hey hey! abort mission! I thought this kickboxing was all for health and PE anyways??


it is……………….i was just asking how if at all it relates to pe? I got my answer and perhaps I diverged from the topic slightly. I was only explaining my motivation there too. relax…..nothing to get excited about. it was a natural progression as you all spoke of your hatred for kickboxing in all forms. That’s cool, I respect your views. I really do. I just wanted to make sure its relation to pe, and you guys did that. Thanks.

I dont ‘hate’ kickboxing, (despite a certain bad incident involving it which happened to me hehehe but thats another story) just to clear it up……

I just don’t recommend it to anyone except physco types who like severe pain….

btw, while you’re talking about it in relation to PE, I WANT to hear from you when you get kneed in the balls

heh heh heh ;)

Secay has good point, and u will be taking some nut shots. I did alot of ground fighting in my day. Shootfighting/ju-jitsu/grappling, i would advice that more than kickboxing. I am currently boxing for my University but i would have to say that learning alot of ground fighting was a really great experience for me. I hate it that it is so overlooked just because it is not so pretty to the eye. I am a firm belieaver that a great fighter has to have experience with it, and most people that claim to be taking martial arts dont know the first thing about it. I do boxing because it is a better venting sport, i would not think it would relate to PE much.

About ejaculating, I have come to beleive that less is better. The less you can do it the better off your PE would be. Then again I am a newbie. I just blame recent lack of gains to having sex and masterbating 1-2 time a day.

An encouraging word


The guy with the largest claimed gain from the Big Penis program, that I know of, was a boxer. He applied his training skills to his PE and claimed great gains in a relatively short time.

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Sex/Masturbation and hanging don’t mix, period. Keep them separated as secjay said.

As long as you can keep the ideal semi-erection/full erection (depending on what you prefer), I don’t see any reason why it would interfere with jelq or squeeze type exercises. It’s a good exercise not to masturbate while PEing, if for no other reason than to work on ejaculation control.

After all, what’s the point of having a dick that’s 2 inches bigger if you come in 2 minutes? :D

what I meant to say, was that should you have a zero jerk off policy with pe? I mean there has to be someone out there who never touches themselves except for pe! Will totally or mostly refraining speed up recovery time or progress? That is all gentlemen. Thanks for the quick replies.


When your going to pe just pe and when you want to jerk off do it
but don’t start to PE and get horny and spank the monkey……


no problem i won’t try the bishop for heresey during pe. thanks


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