Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Wives Girlfriends and PE

Depends on the woman, they’re all different. I think I have gained about 1/2 to maybe 3/4” length bpl by my measurements. My wife initially made a couple of comments about my flaccid length increase a 2-3 months ago, but no subsequent comments about anything else since then. She doesn’t seem any more interested in sex than she was before I started, in fact maybe even less, I get a lot of “knock it off, go back to sleep” comments recently. So from my perspective, size certainly doesn’t seem to matter. Has more to do with the relationship issues and her intrinsic low libido.

My girlfriend told me that she wanted a vibrator for the nights we are not together. I told her only if I could have a penis pump she said alright. So I do not think my girlfriend would care if I did PE or not. Although she said she’s fine with my size.

fatman7_6: I just meant that they see us as stuck with what we’re born with, so if they love us, they don’t want us to feel inadequate.


Originally Posted by RubberBandMan
fatman7_6: I just meant that they see us as stuck with what we’re born with, so if they love us, they don’t want us to feel inadequate.


Ah, that makes more sense. Truly would be an odd world if they did all know about PE and believed in it, dontcha think? “Get back in there and jelq, you slacking bastard! I need more girth! I don’t want you to come out of there until that pencil dick is gone!” :D

Talons, don’t bother telling her. Do you tell her everything, gimme a break.

You want to gain 1” length and .5” in girth: that’s not that much. If she notices just say you’ve been eating healthy, which probably improved circulation. Never tell. Women talk. Period. She’ll tell her best friend, make her promise to say nothing to anyone, and then the friend will repeat the pattern…. and so on, and so on.

There’s probably scores and scores of PEers here who think their secret is safe with their wives, but wonder why there’s an uncommon amount of giggling at social functions lately.

Don’t tell ever, I don’t care what excuse you make up to explain your gains, or what ruse you use for PE privacy. Telling is plain stupid.

People knowing about a person PEing is more humilating then them knowing you have a small dick.

QUOTE by Kawaihae
“Depends on the woman, they’re all different….. My wife initially made a couple of comments about my flaccid length increase a 2-3 months ago, but no subsequent comments about anything else since then…..So from my perspective, size certainly doesn’t seem to matter. Has more to do with the relationship issues and her intrinsic low libido.”

I think that is part of “my/our” problem too. I used to believe that all or at least most women could come from penetration, if “everything” was just right, and that my size and technique were the “weakest link” of that everything. So I asked the only two close woman friends, with whom I can discuss sexual topics, and one said she almost never came to orgasm from penetration, even with “big” men, and the other said it had more to do with her mental and physical state at the time. So, I guess for the few women I “know” it seems they are different, from what I naively thought. Yeah, I’m not the most worldly, sexually experienced, so my “statistical population” is small.

Hey Talons.

I do my PE in private (no pun intended, but could have). I think my Wife would send me to the Looney Tooney bin if I told her about this. She has said, without inquiring from me, that she doesn’t want me any bigger, so I would have to use the “I’m doing it for slight erectile dysfunction “card, if I got snagged. I also fear that over a couple glasses of wine, she might let it sleep to her best friend, who lives a couple houses down, then if the neighbor lets it slip, oh God, I dodnt want to think of the ball busting I would get.

Also, if you have one of those Wives who gets angry sometimes, I know hard to believe, but they are out there, and you are spending hours per week pe-ing, instead of painting the spare room, hanging some pictures, trimming the bushes, etc, etc, now she has some ammo.

I use this as my sanctuary, to say what I want, and it’s my own private world. Thats my take on this. Do what works for you.

cead mile failte :lep:

Originally Posted by SixerMan
Hey Talons.

I do my PE in private

mostly, but I do a spot of pumping in the privacy of my car, among all the traffic.


Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Originally Posted by rousseau506
mostly, but I do a spot of pumping in the privacy of my car, among all the traffic.


If I get stopped by a Cop, do I tell him I am happy to see him, or excited about driving? :homer2:

cead mile failte :lep:

Just pay the spot fine Sixer, that’s how it works here. We don’t want any court summons arriving by post to be opened by Mrs Sixer, now do we?


Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

My wife really likes the idea that I can make my dick bigger. She encourages me and gives me time alone. Screams in bed , and talks all the time about my ” big dick”. She is so very supportive, the other morning I was jelqing and she really wanted to make sure she didn’t bother me once she knew what I was doing. And I thought to myself, hmm I think it was really to small for her and I’m only just now becoming adequate. Another example of how sensitive us men are.

Not that it bothers me on a emotional level. I write this as something to laugh about.

I started PE with average size. Now I’m just above average. Shooting for 8x6 I’m just shy of 7x5 bp. I don’t measure to often. I like to measure my pumped size. To keep track of what exercise gives the best pump.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Hi. I’ve just recently started after stumbling (or is it fate?) on this excellent site. I bought a Penimaster and have started Jelqing - so far have only noticed flacid gains.

I haven’t even measured yet and my first test will be if my wife comments that I’m bigger. Not a scientific test I know but the best I can think of! I think I’ve caught her looking at me getting undressed (quite rare for her to look after 20 years together) and she appeared to have a “wondering” expression. If she does comment on my - hopefully - increased size, I’ll then explain what I’ve be up to.

The second test will be when I feel confident enough to stroll about in the changing room at the gym without hiding behind a towel!



welcome. Don’t be surprised if you never get a comment from the wife. She has been brainwashed by conentional thinking that it can’t be done. That its dangerous and shouldn’t be tried. That size doesn’t matter any way. Even if she notices something is better she may not be able to put it together and come to the conclusion that your dick is bigger. If she does she may not be able to admit to herself that she likes it better. Do yourself a favor and take starting measurements. Bone pressed erect and flaccid stretch. Maximum “cheat”. You may have already missed noting that your erect and stretched is a fraction bigger than before.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

“Don’t be surprised if you never get a comment from the wife.
Do yourself a favor and take starting measurements. Bone pressed erect and flaccid stretch. Maximum “cheat”. You may have already missed noting that your erect and stretched is a fraction bigger than before.”

You’re probably right. My other half is not exactly demonstrative, so it would take a heck of an increase for her to say something. I read so many stories here of guys with partners who were up for more sex than usual and hope the same will happen.

I will measure. I’ve noticed that the flaccid range is less than when I started (a good thing) - previously my penis seemed to vary a heck of a lot depending on temperature etc etc but now it’s consistently at the upper end of the flaccid range - if that makes sense! Still on the small side following vigorous exercise at the gym/hillwalking, but I guess that’s for another thread…..



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