Well you would always want to PE after weightlifting. That gives more engorgement and less blood being stolen from the unit to aid the pump of your biceps ect… Other than that I don’t know anything but positive factors from training/ running. Besides having huge thighs and small pecker :rolleyes: . Protein powders help as they contain a lot of ingredients that can help clear arteries, rebuild tissues, give more blood flow, ect… Fish and meat are good too. Look into fish oil; it’s good stuff. Basically anything healthy can/ and does play an aid- even if it’s a small factor. MickeyD’s and those places don’t help. If you’re vegan I don’t think you can substitute for the full nutrients that animals give. Fruits like pineapples make you taste better. Garlic, in my case, gives me bigger loads and makes me shoot further (I put it on most foods, but in small quantities). You can also take supps like L-A or ginkgo separately (there’s a lot more). There’s a ton of things that can “aid” just search the titles here. Some things act as a placebo for some people, but you asked foods. Try, for instance, the topic you named this thread “Working out and PE”, or “Lifting and PE”, or “PE food”. You’re bound to find something. Be blunt with searching it will always give our more information than you can chew. I mean unless you have a big mouth :) .