Thunder's Place

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Worried ... Need Advice

Worried ... Need Advice

I’m trying to get a little information on some area’s I reall am lost in:

For 18 years old is 6.1” x 4.25” decent? I posted about girth earlier since I don’t feel it is substantial at all.

If not, does anyone know how to deal with the embarrasment? I just got out of a 2 year relationship with my first sexual partner and she has been telling people that I am rather “small” and i couldnt please her. Well lately I have been hanging around with another girl and the only thing that is keeping me from having a relationship with her is the fear that she will find me inadequate as well. Any tips on how to get past that?

Also an actual PE Question: I have taken on the Newbie Routine of course and I plan to follow it religiously then move onto the more girth oriented exercises, but I have noticed something I am unsure if it is normal. Ever since I was little I have been able to actually bend my penis and make a “clicking noise”. I don’t know how to explain it well, but when I have an erection I can bend it into a semi-perfect L and it makes a noise. I have asked friends about this and none of them have told me if they could or not, etc. Is this normal?

Any more tips on gaining about .75” of girth? Thanks again guys.

I think doing erect bends in general is not normal, but guys do do them as a girth building method. For most guys it is a dangerous practice and if done, should be done with caution. You are obviously accustomed to erect bending and have the noise as your own quirk when you do it. Just keep in mind, that bending an erect penis can result in a ruptured penis that requires surgery to repair.

A girl saying an old boyfriend is “small” is the oldest trick in the book. She would say that even if you were big if she was pissed at you. I wouldn’t let that get to your head. I would say 5 is average, but it seems like the small starting girth guys always gain well. Just hit the jelqs hard for a while and then move to some more advanced stuff. Max engorgment is key when gaining girth.

Gprent and Philadelph are both correct in what they say.
I know I have said this to you before in another thread- go for length first- but as your girth seems to be a real concern for you, then go for some girth till you feel good about yourself.

I’d say to you, jelq, jelq and jelq some more. A lot of guys seem to be in a real hurry to hit advanced exercises as soon as they can as they see jelqing as a “newbie” exercise. Jelqing is an excellent exercise which should be incorporated into any routine. Depending on how they are done (erection level, wet/dry), you can gain length or girth and they are an excellent general penile health exercise.

A a newbie, you just can’t beat jelqs.

An excellent advanced girth exercise - girth blasters- as written by Gprent101 can be found here. Be warned! They are an advanced exercise that make your dick feel like it going to explode.

Look, just use your common sense, take it easy, and always remember that you are certainly not small. As Philadelph said its just her way of getting to you. As soon as she realises that it doesn’t bother you, she will quit it.

Well said, mate. Hopesfall, you’ve receivee great advice in just five posts. I’d print this page for future reference. When I find some really good advice, I print it!!

Happy gaining!


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Don’t worry about your ex hopesfall. That was her revenge (you know women can be hard to understand sometimes). Your stats are ok.

For your new relationship I would say not to worry. Listen to your heart and just let the things to go their natural way. No need to be 10x8 to please a girl. It’s all in the head. If you find the groove with her you can take her anywhere you want.

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