Yeah crazy Dr. Lin, I remember like 2 years ago, I started doing PE, I did it for like a month or so and I think I made some girth gains that lucky stuck with me. Then I read about how PE can damage your penis and cause permanent injury. And that made me stop. I just started again 2 monthes ago, and my penis feels healthier than ever!
Dr. Lin is trying to sell products, that’s what has to be kept in mind. He also talks bad about kegeling, he says that it actually causes premature ejaculation, but I disagree with him there too, I find that kegels have gotten me more in tune with my unit, and I can relax my PC muscle and avoid the “point of no return” so to speak.
We have to remember that PE CAN cause injury, no doutb about it. So can doing body building or anything where you’re putting stress on your body. The thing to remember is the “CAN” part, because it’s up to you to monitor things and be careful enough to avoid injury.
Also, always take any infomation with a grain of salt if the source of that info is also trying to sell you a product based on that info. Infact, all information should be takin with a grain of salt, the are so many different people with different ideas and persectives, they can’t ALL be right, and what are their motives? If it’s money, power, or control, beware. Just read as many different perspectives or ideas as you can, and YOU be the judge as to what reality is.
I think reasons people are down on PE can be:
1)Penis surgery makes the doctors money.(sort of how pharmacetical companies are down on herbs, because anyone can grow herbs, but you need a lab to make chemicals! And chemicals can be patented so that they can actually OWN THEM! This makes them the only source, and raises the price=MORE MONEY)
2)They don’t want the average joe doing it, because it has risks involved. They think the average joe is quite dumb too, and not capable of using common sense. So they just try to scare them away from it.
3)It evens out the playing field when anyone can have a bigger dick.(well if they already have a dick that is)
4)They want to sell you something to make your penis bigger that isn’t free, or they want to sell something that you’ll take out of fear that they instill you with.
Stick it to the man!