Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Yes I AM new :

Yes I AM new :

Alright so this is the deal.. I checked in some time ago.. About august last year. I was interested in PE (obviously) and found out about this site from Google and was exited about the fact that it was free.
I have long waited for some confirmed working method that is also free to try out. Since I might not be able to waste money on “maybe-working” pills or things like that. But I will scrape some money it this proofs to work so :)
Now.. I am kind of overwhelmed with this site since there is a lot of English and I am not very good with some words or medical terms and nicknames :P What I am asking is IF there might be some Swedish member that would be happy to help me out with some instructions or someone that is willing to take some time to PM me and help me out with some questions.

I would like to be certain because from what I’ve read there could be a lot of injuries and such.


Read a lot of the site and you will find one, there are several Swedish members that you can PM.


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