Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Yet another new Newbie Routine


It is sort of jelqing but it does not force all of the blood to the outer penis. Most of it moves to the right while massaging the left, vice versa. No, I don’t visualize though I can understand why you ask, because this is all about giving conscious positive attention to a part of the body of which even PE’rs are not much aware. The energizing effect of the combined exercises started after 1 or two weeks.Some weeks later the feeling started that the pelvic floor gave much more resistance to the inner penis when it started an erection. The message to the inner penis was loud and clear: if it wanted to expand it had to be up and out !


I understand your reaction, but it’s not a theory yet. I just know that I am onto something really good and I hope some of are willing to give it a try.

Perhaps we can prevent a lot of newbie frustration. If more people achieve my results, they would not care to spend money on weird torture instruments..

For more background, see for instance the excellent article Dick Control by Cheevah.

Originally Posted by Ishmael


I understand your reaction, but it’s not a theory yet. I just know that I am onto something really good and I hope some of are willing to give it a try.

Perhaps we can prevent a lot of newbie frustration. If more people achieve my results, they would not care to spend money on weird torture instruments..

For more background, see for instance the excellent article Dick Control by Cheevah.


Thanks for sharing your new approach, but you have read the Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine, I trust?

The Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine does not involve spending money in general, or weird torture instruments specifically. In fact, Thunder’s specifically recommends against newbies spending money (which presumably precludes weird torture instruments, unless they’re free):

From the Penis Enlargement Manual here (in the Articles Forum):

“First things first. Don’t spend any money. You may choose to spend some money later on, and that is your choice, but it is not necessary to gain a larger penis. Better to learn what not to waste your money on first.”

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Last edited by Lampwick : 01-03-2009 at .

Sure Lampwick,

But have you read some newbie threads lately? Some people are pretty desperate.

Originally Posted by Ishmael

Sure Lampwick,

But have you read some newbie threads lately? Some people are pretty desperate.

And desperation leads to injuries.

We don’t mind folks tinkering with the newbie routine its a guideline, it isn’t carved in stone. We do want them to use common sense and listen to their bodies. Going too fast or using too much pressure or too much of anything can lead to injuries and a hurt penis isn’t going to grow since you have to leave it the hell alone and let it heal.

The only person who stands to gain anything from desperation is one who is selling something. Not saying you are or anything, but your comment does make me wonder.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I’ve read many newbie threads, lately. Not a big percentage of ‘desperate’ posters; I’d say lazy posters are more frequent.

I think Ishmael has a point, a lot of newbies seem to be getting frustrated at little or no gains and up their routine to dangerous levels. He’s obviously not trying to sell anything, so I don’t think he should be criticized for trying to help.

I don’t fully understand how this exercise is done, but the idea of it sounds interesting. The “watering the roots, not pulling the stem” line particularly interested me, because it makes more sense to grow things from the bottom, the same way it happens in nature.

Anyway, it sounds like he’s on to something good and I’d be willing to try it if I understood it well enough to be successful.

"Sometimes a scream is better than a thesis." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Originally Posted by MakeYouScream

I think Ishmael has a point, a lot of newbies seem to be getting frustrated at little or no gains and up their routine to dangerous levels. He’s obviously not trying to sell anything, so I don’t think he should be criticized for trying to help.

Ismael has a point, right up to where he said “If more people achieve my results, they would not care to spend money on weird torture instruments..” If his routine has merit, it can stand on its own without setting up straw men just to knock them down. The Newbie Routine here is not about spending money or weird torture instruments, so it is disingenuous to frame the debate in those terms, as though it had to be either/or.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

To my mind ishmail’s routine is an advanced routine. Not one I would suggest to newbies

The Newnbie routine is there to introduce PE to those who have not done penis ecercises before. It is as it says - something new. .

And like weightlifting you start of with low weights and advance as your body get’s use to the effort.

So common sense dictates a fairly simple start.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:


I am well aware that English is not my native tongue, still I am very sure I wrote about newbie frustration, and not about newbie frustration with the Newbie routine. These are two different things!

Anyway, since I am not a zealot, not even in matters PE, I will not insist on this thread any further. I think I reached a few inquisitive minds. If you reread the thread and do some experimentation you will no doubt see perspective in weeks and book clear results in months. The best of luck!

Oh yes one thing Petit, like Makeyou hinted this approach is very useful from PE day one. It is simple and soft and you can compare it to building up credit in your bank. As soon as it’s there, you can cash in by means of the Newbie routine (or Edging, or, if you so wish, longer sex sessions.)

Best regards, Ishmael

Hey Ishmael, I have incorporated this exercise in my sessions for 2 days now. Seems ok, nothing too intense.

What I want to ask you is how is your erection level during this exercise? I mean, when I block first at the point with 3 fingertips, I use my other’s hand three fingertips to jelq or massage or whatever.
Still, I feel like the finger block isn’t blocking the point completely, since my erection subsides a bit after a few strokes. Do you have any advice about this?

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:



Any chance at creating a “video” with commentary? Your routine sounds intriguing, but difficult to describe using words.


Ishmael, first off thanks a lot for your contribution. I know it’s a lot of work but I would also welcome a video if possible or even pictures of exactly where to place the hands. I’ll admit I’m not really understanding completely but will re-read the thread again and give your idea a try. Please do not get offended by those dissecting your comments. I’ve also ran into issues where I feel like out of several paragraphs someone latches on to one phrase that I may have worded poorly. Just keep giving your opinions as they are much appreciated.

Best of luck!

Started Nov2008: EL 5.5", EG 4.5"

Dec 20th: EL 5.75", EG 4.9"

Progress Log

Hey Ishmael, if you want to say something, do it, no-one is censoring your ideas. But you have to accept critics, that’s what a forum is based on :) .

Originally Posted by Ishmael

Oh yes one thing Petit, like Makeyou hinted this approach is very useful from PE day one. It is simple and soft and you can compare it to building up credit in your bank. As soon as it’s there, you can cash in by means of the Newbie routine (or Edging, or, if you so wish, longer sex sessions.)

Best regards, Ishmael

There is always the case that someone will overdo things even in the newbie forum members damage themselves

Cyclitss have been know to injure themselves by haviung to hard a ‘saddle’ on their bikes. Also the area you are pressing is a sensitive one for ejacualtion, and dare I say it the prostate.

I would prefer to see some Medical opinion on the effects this exercise might have. Certainly I can feel a very slight pressure there when pushing it against my body. The very fact that is is causing enlargement means that quite a bit of pressure must be used there

So rather than it be tested on Newbies. I would prefer it goes to a different forum where more advanced PE’ers can perhaps try it out. and give an opinion

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:


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