Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

You really have to be passionate about this?

You really have to be passionate about this?

Just a general question to get your guys thoughts on this. PE is something you really have to be passionate about? This lightbulb has really come on for me recently.

Lets face it, a big dick is not something you can buy (like breast implants). It’s a scarce commodity. It’s similar to weightlifting/bodybuilding in that you really have to put in the time and effort. Not just the actual exercises, but educating yourself on the optimum way to do those exercises.

Think about it; there are guys who work their asses off to be able to buy that expensive sports car or home theater setup or whatever. Spending an equivalent amount of time to build up a big dick may actually seem foolish to some, but considering how much attention our dicks get, it seems like a worthwhile goal. You’ve got to WANT to have a big dick that you’re proud of, and put the effort into making it happen.

And to do that, you have to be passionate about PE. Anyone understand what I’m talking about?

Be passionate about it only if you want it to work.

Obviously there´s strong reasons to pursue that goal but most people will be discouraged to persevere for different reasons.
Not being interested enough in pleasing their partners, not being sufficiently narcisistic, not being horny enough..

There are too many things that can go wrong, from long plateaus to minor or major injuries, deformities, thrombosis, etc.

Many people will try different methods and simply get no result and will lose faith in it.. And the successful ones will dedicate hours to add 0,5 - 1 inch a year so perseverance is in the end, the most relevant factor, so being motivated is the single most important resource you need to build a really good dick.

I think having a partner who also needs you to achieve it, and encourages you in every milimitre, is something that would strengthen most guys willpower.

Be passionate about it make the trip easier but isn’t a must. Goals can be met by doing the right approach and paying attention to details.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

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