Originally Posted by ys
And yeah, I do get some crotch watchers (+ smiles) since I - for the first time in my life - don’t totally [you]hide[/you] my dick like I unconsciously used to.
Let’s be honest here: don’t kid yourself there is nothing unconscious about hiding. I mean really.
My thought is that, as a general rule, we’re all socialized to be self-conscious and wigged out about our sexuality.
Male nudity is also far less inculcated into the mainstream culture. In the movies how many titty shots do we see? It can hardly a movie without at tit-shot. Female full frontal nudity? Somewhat less, but still prevalent. Male nudity? In American cinema hardly at all, European somewhat more, but it’s still rare compared to what we see of women. I mean we see a lot of women, what do women get to see? Harvey Keitel in The Piano?
It’s interesting to note that there are larger members ;) who are just as self-conscious of observation as the smaller ones.
Some people are naturally exhibitionist, some people are naturally shy. This too figures in to the equation.
I don’t know. For me, crotch watchers make me uncomfortable - whether it’s that I’m being cruised (don’t swing that way), or just being compared (mind your own business, pal), it bothers me. The irony is that, like most, I’m naturally curious (What’s he packin? Is it as big as mine?). So, even though I try to be discreet, if I’m honest, I’m gonna look. Just as guilty as the next guy, and the guy after that. Don’t get me wrong I’m not ‘the dick looker’ from hughGRection’s post, and what I’m talking about is not really in the same category as the staring that guy was obviously guilty of (What’s the matter buddy, haven’t you seen a 9” dick before?). I’m just saying that we’re all naturally a little curious.
Originally Posted by Redwood1981
Men are highly competitive, it’s in our nature.
Dead on.
I just wish I could get to a place where I honestly don’t care. I don’t think that any size gain is going to take care of this for me.
I think it’s a totally different kind of adjustment. Intellectually, of course, I’m fine with it (as in: He’s big, so what?).
But in reality, or the locker-room to be exact, if I’m honest with myself, it’s an issue.
I think though the most traumatizing moment I’ve had in the locker-room was when I saw the fat hairy guy who had a scar and a pee-hole where his dick should’ve been. That sight put all my problems into serious perspective.
No matter how bad you think you have it — it could always be worse.