Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1 day on 1 day off

1 day on 1 day off

once i’m fully healed, i think i’m going to expiriment with a new routine…

i’m really good at jelqing so i’m going to do a long jelq session every other day and allow growth time on the off days. i’ve heard so much about how off days are vital to growth, so i’m going to take this one level further and have an off day every other day.

i won’t be doing nothing on these off days because i couldn’t stand that. what i’ll do on the days when i don’t jelq is i will do manual stretches for length because that’s what i really need.

i hope this variation will lead to some good results. also, i may do something for my base girth because i’ve got a definate baseball bat from previous stints in PE. or maybe i’ll keep the baseball bat, it kind of makes it look longer.

anyways, any feedback on what i’ll be doing would be highly appreciated!

Whatever works for you!

In Thunder’s words dictator, “find your shift key”.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

At least someone was using the search function!


Maybe he has bad eyes and the 3 looked like an 8.

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"


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