Well, here’s a first post for you guys. I’ve been lurking here for way too long to not have posted and if I didn’t know shit about PE I might not feel that bad about it, but I do have a fair amount of experience with it so I’ll start with my apologies for being a sissy-boy for this long.
I’ve been doing PE in some form off and on for about 6 years (more off than on) and have made decent gains. I started out vacuum pumping every other day for about 30-45 minutes and later added jelqing to my sessions. I never was really consistent with it (would go for a month or two steady then take a week or month off) but I did learn that PE was possible and overcoming the myth of “you can’t make your dick bigger” was probably the most rewarding part of the experience. I have tried hanging in the last 6 months with a modified BIB but I’m honest enough with myself to know that I’m not going to commit to the 10+ hours a week that are necessary to really see gains. After trying to find the ‘magic bullet’ of PE, I’ve just settled on what I know will work for me (my routine is posted below) and what I can fit in my schedule.
To all the veterans and newbees who have posted here and given their knowledge I say a heartfelt ‘thank you’ ; I have learned a lot here. I’ll try to stay active on the board and post when I have something to contribute. I have a background in fitness (former personal trainer turned badass real estate agent :) and biology with emphasis on physiology and neurobiology (yes, all the money your parents spent sending you to college CAN be put to good use in the pursuit of a BIG dick :) so I will try to throw my two cents in if I feel I can help out.
I don’t want to write the ”War and Peace” of posts so I’ll wrap this up with my measurements and my current routine. Thanks again everyone, it’s good to be here.
My measurements: Starting: 5.5” EL X 5.25” EG
Now: 7.75 BPEL X 6.0” EG
Current routine: Jelq: 100 strokes in a hot shower every morning
Vacuum pump: 2 day on 1 off schedule, first session is the heavy session (90 minutes with breaks for Jelq every 30), next day is light session (45 minutes, 2 breaks for Jelq). I wear a CTC cock cushion for an hour after every session, making sure I keep blood flowing in and out by massaging every ten minutes.
Manual stretches: I do ‘A’ stretches, stretch under my leg etc. for about 20 minutes on my off days only and then apply a simple low-tension stretcher that I made and wear it for about 2 hours to hopefully promote hyperplasia. If my dick is really sore from the previous two days I’ll just wear the stretcher and skip the intense stretching.
Last but not least, I listen to my body and take an extra day off if I feel I’ve really broken down the tissue and I need more time to let my penis rebuild. I think this is critical because just like bodybuilding, the growth occurs in the days after the ‘trauma’ is placed on the muscle even though the penis isn’t technically like skeletal muscle. Just my two cents.