Thunder's Place

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1st day with ballzinger

1st day with ballzinger

OK, I’ve read all about the ballzinger on this site, and finally got the materials together today to make it. After assembly I used my meter and got the correct voltage, so on it went. Others have said they felt a tingle or other sensations, but I haven’t felt anything. I shaved the area first to get maximum skin contact. I’m not complaining, and I plan to wear this most of the time, but am I supposed to feel any difference, or is the charge so low that you don’t notice? Just curious, if anyone has some info, please let me know. Thanks. (hoping for lower hanging balls and flacid).

I didn’t feel any “tingle”.

First, it needs to be moist to get maximum voltage. Wear it over night and see if you get awakened by a throbbing boner. Some do, some don’t. Like every other exercise on here, nothing works for everyone.

Try wearing it when working out or something strenuous where you will work up a sweat. The saltiness of the sweat gives an even better voltage reading.


Ballzinger polarity?

2nd day wearing the ballzinger, getting .8v DC, just had a question for the electronically inclined here. While measuring voltage, I noticed that the copper rod supplied the positive charge and the zinc was negative. Would there be an advantage or reason to change the orientation of the unit, ie. voltage flowing left to right one day and right to left the next? I could be wrong, but it would seem to be healthier to balance the flow rather than constantly going the same way. Or am I crazy to be turning my balls into a battery in the first place?

I switch sides every day.

The jury is still out on this thing. Long term results are not known.


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