Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

5 year anniversary

The friendly PE bear next door! :D Congratulations, KP!

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

Happy Anniversary men! I’ve seen you gain almost 3 inches .. That’s fantastic! Do you hang also? Because in you’re PE routine it’s just saying about jelq and starching! I wish you as many inch as you can get! :)

Originally Posted by Sir Wally
The friendly PE bear next door! :D Congratulations, KP!


Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

How much did you gain in 5 years?

Congratulations! I do not post often but your feat deserves a post.

Originally Posted by ChelNam
How much did you gain in 5 years?

Not quite 3 inches.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Congrats on the slow and steady approach.

You are the advocate, KP, of less is more and I may have to try that out.

Glad to have you here. You are always helpful, and have a big dick because of your steadfast PE ways.

You deserve it!!!

5 years and nearly 12,000 posts! Awesome KP its guys like you that help keep this place active. :D

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

Congrats KP! Just curious looking at your stats are you still going for size in either length or girth or just maintaining at this point?

Start 01/10: BPEL - 5.6875" EG - 4.250" | Current: BPEL - 6.5" EG - 4.375"

Short Term Goal: BPEL - 6.5" EG - 5.0" | Long Term Goal: BPEL - 7.5" EG - 5.5"

We are all glad to have you here. Congratulations KP.

Congratulations to your impressive gains! 2.75” in length and 1.5” in girth. That is one of the largest gainers I have seen around and a great motivation. I had a starting size that was close to yours and I would be extremely happy if I could get close to your gains. But well, I am 3 1/2 years behind so I still have then chance :) .

Historical graph since start including all Measures and Goals -

Start 2008-09-01: 5,9" X 4,5", 2012-03-31: 7,3" X 5.4" - Goal 7,5" X 5,5"

Originally Posted by Steelfire
Congratulations to your impressive gains! 2.75” in length and 1.5” in girth. That is one of the largest gainers I have seen around and a great motivation. I had a starting size that was close to yours and I would be extremely happy if I could get close to your gains. But well, I am 3 1/2 years behind so I still have then chance :) .

Most of my gains came in a two month period. There fast gainers out there like me. I wish I could come up with the formula that guarantees fast gains. Also the formula to reignite newbie gains in vets.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Newbie gains after 2 years would own :)

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

Originally Posted by Herballist
Newbie gains after 2 years would own :)

Yep, I believe the exercise to do just that has not been invented yet.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

KP, why don’t you show everyone your gains dude? It would go into the proof newbie picture section.


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