Whats a good way to get permanent base girth. 7 length before pressing in, and 6 in girth give or take on the day, usually 6 to 6.1.
I find that keeping up with girth is the hardest thing. I’ve gained an inch in length in one year and stopped there, but I’ve been working on girth for 2 1/2 years prior to my length work out, plus this last year along with the length work out. I went up from about 5 to 6 in girth over the years, but reached a Plato at 6, and think maybe my dick is too conditioned to go any further, as I fight to keep it between 6 and 6.5 (on best of days). I clamp all the time, even when jelqing or doing other exercises. Also, I find it hard to get much blood pressure out of jelqing or clamping accept for some days, and think maybe my base girth needs to match up to the shaft girth, or exceed it in order to continue my progress. Maybe finding a way to increase the amount of blood flow to my dick would help too, ie. I read something before on testosterone salads.
Bottom line is reaching an extreme girth is very hard, and increasing true base girth seems even harder. Any comments or suggestions?