Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A down side to too much flaccid hang?

there’s NEVER a downside to bigger hang.




8.5'' here we come!


Originally Posted by drilla9
A down side to too much flaccid hang?

Getting it caught in your bicycle spokes?

Do US toilets have more water in them than here? There’s no way I could get my dick to dip in the water of my toilet. :confused:

Some toilets have a sort of shelf as it were halfway doewn the pan. I think they called them Syphonic or somethng similar. I had one in tha house I bought a lot of years ago But since then have just had uninteresting ones!

I didn’t have any trouble then. Although I might now :)

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

LOL Wow asnoman, thats a funny story. The dick slapping part, not falling out or stepping on it.

3/7/08: BPEL 7.00x5.125 Starting PE

2/07/09: BPEL 8.307x5.77 || 211mmX146.5mm

My Log: PE an Engineers approach

I saved someones life with my big flaccid hang. She fell out of my boat and was drowning. I whipped it out and hung it over the side and she was able to grab it and pull herself back into my boat.

I have the “dick in the toilet water” issue here but also once my wife tried giving me a playful punch to the thigh after a nice PE work-out and hit the head of my ultra sensitive dick. She was like,”Your dick is way over there?” Hurt just a bit.

Start: 8"BPEL 5.9" girth Current: 8.5"BPEL 6.5" girth Goal: 9"NBPEL 6.7" girth

I’ve hit the water with my balls before, but I think I was given the ball sack of an 80 year old man.

My dick did hit the inside of the bowl last night, because it’s hanging lower and more forward than it used to. I had the same thought, “I hate having a long soft dick, now I have to watch out for…oh wait this is awesome, what am I saying?”

It is a little weird at first when your flaccid is as big as your pre-PE EL. Now when I tuck it in my jeans, I’m self conscious someone will think I’m hard. But I figure with they friends I have, they would make a crack about it, then I can say “I’m not hard.” and just smile.

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


I have had this happen on a couple toilets, and I don’t think I have a huge flaccid by any means. Some toilets are just shallow.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Originally Posted by drilla9
A down side to too much flaccid hang?

Getting it caught in your bicycle spokes?

Do US toilets have more water in them than here? There’s no way I could get my dick to dip in the water of my toilet. :confused:

Same as that; here in ireland, maybe we are mad but; there is a good eight inches between seat and water level..

Life is too short to be little -Disraeli

March '08 BPEL 6.25 EG 5.3. I am not sure whether I measured correctly.

April '08 BPEL 6.7 EG 5.5 GOAL 8X6 SHORT-TERM GOAL 7X5.7

Originally Posted by TheContinental
I’ve hit the water with my balls before, but I think I was given the ball sack of an 80 year old man.

My dick did hit the inside of the bowl last night, because it’s hanging lower and more forward than it used to. I had the same thought, “I hate having a long soft dick, now I have to watch out for…oh wait this is awesome, what am I saying?”

It is a little weird at first when your flaccid is as big as your pre-PE EL. Now when I tuck it in my jeans, I’m self conscious someone will think I’m hard. But I figure with they friends I have, they would make a crack about it, then I can say “I’m not hard.” and just smile.

I know, on a good day, my flaccid is bigger than my Pre-PE erect size. I don’t want to be the guy with the boner.

6 X 5(Jun 2002) ----> 8 7/8 X 6 (OCt 2009) -----> 9.75 X 6.0 (Goal)

'I think you will find that the one thing all big gainers have in common is tenacity.' ~Bib

Yeah on good days my flaccid has hit 5”, and I was prob 5.5” NBPEL before I started. But then today I was running around so he turtled a bit and I missed the flaccid hang. Let’s face it, free advertising (bulge) that could lead to free sex is never ever a bad thing. I’ll be putting it down my leg before I go out tonight.

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


I just checked the depth of the water in my toilet - for purely scientific purposes you understand: 10” away from the seat! I can sleep easily once again. :)

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

My goal is to hit 6.5-7 NBP flaccil length. Hanging + fatpad reduction (through diet/exercise) should help.

6 X 5(Jun 2002) ----> 8 7/8 X 6 (OCt 2009) -----> 9.75 X 6.0 (Goal)

'I think you will find that the one thing all big gainers have in common is tenacity.' ~Bib

I’d like 6.5” as well. Right now I’m at 4.5” on good days. It’s enough to look a little big maybe, not won’t drop any jaws. I like the fullness it has though, that is something that looks great. I think over 6” soft is enough to be noticeable.

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


Originally Posted by drilla9
I just checked the depth of the water in my toilet - for purely scientific purposes you understand: 10” away from the seat! I can sleep easily once again. :)

Mine’s 12”….I have a new PE goal.


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

This would be the perfect story to tell a girl while she’s giving you a blowjob. “Hmm, I accidentally dipped my dick into the shitter earlier. Should I have cleaned it off?”

" 'Cute'?! Like its got a smiley face on the end of it! I dont want a cute dick. I want a big scary dick! One that comes out growling, RAAAR!!!! A dick with teeth, RAR RAR RAR!!!! What happened? My dick bit me look at that!" - Rodney Carrington -


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