A question and then a theory/excercise that's been on my mind.
I’ve been PE’ing for around a month and a half now and I’ve been doing a lot of reading. I, by now, have a great handle on jelqs and kegels, however, stretching, for me, is still not a consistent solid exercise. I just can’t figure out a constant place to grab without causes around 50 red dots on the upper half of my head and on the mid line on the bottem of my mister. Every time I stretch there are these red dots where I’ve just described.
After many hours of reading I’ve come under the impression that many PE’ers grab “right behind the head” and pull towards the direction they’d like to stretch. I initially had trouble keeping this grip but read that using some toilet paper helps to get a grip. I tried the toilet paper and it definitely helped with the grip part, however I find that whenever I grab just behind the glans I feel a pain where I’m grabbing like a hypersensitive head irritation right around the rim. I just can’t seem to stretch grabbing right behind the head. It annoys me because I’m becoming so familiar and skilled with PE’ing but when it comes to stretching I feel like it’s different each time (IMO inconsistency leads to a lack of routine which will distract me as I progress in the coming months). I can’t seem to keep a stretch without hurting my head or feeling discomfort in the skin (and I know i need a stretch in the actual inner penis-my LOT is around 7).
I’ve read that other people grab more “towards the base” while stretching but then I also read that this causes only half the penis to get stretched instead of the whole penis. I just wish I could find a consistent stretching method. My measurements are 7BPEL and 4.7 EG and my FG isn’t much short of my EG (maybe 4.2ish). I’m not sure why I can’t stretch without ending up squeezing half my head or not getting a good stretch.
Any help would be SO greatly appreciated. I feel as though once I can get my stretching down these routines will go by faster and before I know it I’ll measure some significant gains.
Since my post is already growing long and boring, I’ll summarize my idea in short. Since stretching has been shifty for me I’ve been thinking about it a lot and it has let me to this idea:
When we stretch we pull a single direction and hold it (and based on what I’ve read, hanging provides a similar strain?). I thought about a nail stuck in a piece of wood or a finger stuck in a bottle of soap and it led me to this. What if we tried stretching as a non-static motion in which, for example, during straight out stretching we were to sort-of yank the penis left and right in an attempt to wiggle it out of the body. When a nail is stuck in wood and we want to get it out we pull it left and right rapidly (maybe a half second in between each direction/pull). An exercise might consist of a minute of stretching in this method. I feel as though I can’t describe what I’m trying to say very well, perhaps someone else who understands what I’m saying could do a better job.
This is all just an idea- Comments? Oh and thank you for enduring my long post if you’ve made it to this point.