Ab factor in gain loss
Recently, I layed of P.E. and other exercise entirely for a while due to a very busy schedule and a nasty, lingering cold. During that period of time and afterward I measured erection and had gone from 6 1/2 down to 6. Bpel had gone down, too. Before starting PE again, I got back into “other body” exercises, especially lower abs and within two or three days, was back up to 6 1/2 inches! Granted, there are other possible factors to account for this phenomena, but the more I think about it, the more erectile variabilty seems tied in with ab conditioning. I’ve seen in some literature the conections of the ligs (fundiform) are tied into the rectus abdominus to some degree. I wonder if toning/tensing the abs actually creates a slight anatomical shift were the ligs pull up and out more on the penis. Also possible that the known pelvic shift that occurs with ab work (the kind that alleviates some lower back pain) allows more penis to move out of the body. If the pelvis tilts, along with it must go the deeper tendons and ligaments that attach to the penis and musculature. Anyone notice this for themselves? I recall seeing 403’s post on gain loss and was wondering if he found any other correlation than just not PEing for a while. groa