Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

ADE All Day Engorger

ADE All Day Engorger

Lately I have been fooling around with an 1.5” cock ring I have and it seems to be giving me a slightly better pump than clamping set for set. I have also noticed I feel a different kind of “ache” when using the cock ring as opposed to clamping. I usually edge with it for about an hour or so before I take it off and I noticed my cock feels warmer and plumper than before and my erections are also starting to ache a little from the firmness of the hard on. I hope in doing this I can jump start some more gains and continue on in my PE journey.

Actually I think I am going to step it up to the 1.75” cock ring as I feel with my base girth 1.5’ is a little tight

Last edited by Dirk Diggler : 07-26-2007 at .

1.5’ WOW, you got a dick or a street pole!

01/06/07 Start PE: 7.5" BPEL - 6"EG(midshaft) 6.2"EG(base) - Newbie Routine (dry jelqs + Stretches)

Ultimate Goals: 9" BPEL - 7" EG - Hopefully a year from now! *Fingers crossed*

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