Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Advanced girth routine - any ideas?


want girth ? clamp is the anwer

500 wet jelqs?
Worst adice you could take, as with that much friction over time would create pressure bruises and inflamtion no matter how light you did them. Not to mention how it wears on your CNS to keep your penis erect for longer periods of time, and how you shrink up afte fighting through pain. If you don’t believe me then see how big you stay after a week off. More is not better. And clamping is not the only way!

Take it from a true vet with 10+ yrs experience. The true method of gaining lots of girth over a few months is to….
-Put your efforts into just girth exercises.
-Do your rough dry work first and then wet jelqs for a greater pump.
-Try using camping, a few hundred wet jelqs, or pumping to finish off.
-Only perform holds and squeezes for no longer than 30 seconds at a time.
-Stop when you feel any pain within a few seconds and rest a min or two
-Completely stop when it takes you longer than a minute or two of edging to get hard again
-When you cum, session over!
-Keep your pe routines shorter and lighter (30-45min max unless you have no sex life)
-Rest atleast 6-8hrs before attempting sex.
-Keep doing light wet jelqs or pumping on your off days to improve blood flow and recovery.
-And most importantly! Don’t force your penis to get hard or swell bigger when you’re tired or over worked. Leave it alone and let it rest.

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12

Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12


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