Advice needed, tunica help especially
Ok, first off a little info so you guys can understand my situation better :
LOT of 7-8
Been PEing for about 1.5 years now
Just got off deconditioning routine
Where I stand in relation to starting a new routine :
Focusing on length, most recommend this
Low LOT = Tunica Town
Will work Jelqing and other exercises into routine(any suggestions here greatly appreciated)
Problem :
There are so many ways to hit the tunica I have read about that I’m a little overwhelmed. Also, slight concern with whether or not some exercises are done correctly/harmful.
So far I have come across Bundles, inverted v-stretches(A-stretch), and upward hanging. I know there are others out there that I haven’t found yet.
With regards to the exercises, the problem is I don’t know if I have the right exercises. Take Bundles for ex. It says to twist my dick around 1 time or more, and grip at base to work tunica vs. behind glans to work ligs. But when I do this the upper portion(mid shaft and up) unravels, is it normal? Also, I recall reading in a thread that v-stretches(in this case inverted ones) are dangerous because they could potentially damage something. I’m also not
understanding hanging at high angles, well because gravity is going downwards, and unless one was to attach the non-dick end to something and sit down, this wouldn’t work.
So, if anyone with tunica experience can suggest more tunica exercises, or give suggestions to help me work out the ones that are listed would help me a lot. Any suggestions also towards improving by length based routine ie.what more could I do, is appreciated.
On a side note, how many of you experts/vets here do basics on a regular basis? I would think that you guys would do some crazy hard hitting ones like DLD blasters or Ulis just to move forward or maintain your status.