Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Almost halfway there

Almost halfway there

Started at 8x6 and reached 9x6. Took me ~ 1 year and 4 months of very inconsistent PE. Gonna take about 1-2 weeks of break and try to go at it again. I know if I can stay consistent that gains would come much faster. To be honest, I probably only had 3-5 weeks of legit PE within the 16 months span, the rest of the weeks I took 3-4 days of rest. I’m gonna get to that 10x7 one day no question.

Thanks thunder,


Well done bro, you started with a huge dick, and now it’s just getting ridiculous. ;)

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

Just a question out of curiosity. Why do you want a really big dick? 9x6 already sounds big. It’s actually way way past my goal. I just want to know your reasons and your motivations for making it a 10incher.

Congrats on your gains, it is good to know some guys reach 9” and pass my goals.

Great gains Soon what exercises have you been doing

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Keep it up Soon.
I started out the same (8x6)with the same goals 10 x 7 .
I have been there after PE, but I believe it will take a lot more time to cement the gain.
I’m not stopping untill I’m there, it may take a year to cement the gain, but I’ll get there.

The feeling of a big cock is unbelievable,in your hand and in her.


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