An idea on surgery
I had an idea that blends the surgery and PE methods, since you have to hang anyway. Instead of cutting the ligament, your could speed up the natural atrophy caused by hanging by just perforating it. Now this is purely conceptual, and I want opinions on this, not for someone to try it (yeah, that means you).
During the enlargement exercises, we are attempting to create “holes” in the form of small tears in the ligs to promote elongation. As a less minimal surgery, a surgeon could elongate the ligament in several directions by placing a light load (aka stretch). During this stretch, a small gauge needle will be used to perforate the ligament in several areas. The patient would then hang as usually required by the normal cut surgery. This would be almost non-invasive, but one must know much about the physical anatomy and structure of the pubic ligaments. This would also require a sterile environment.
For example, on me, when I pull to the 2-3 o’clock position while lying down (where your navel is 6), I have a lig of steel, that is very resistant to stretches. I can feel this stretch well into the left side, almost to the hip joint, especially when I fold my leg up. The surgeon would target this area by using this stretch and perforating the lig under tension. A very small gauge (i.e. TB or insulin type needle) would be all that was required to produce sufficient perforation. I would then hang or ADS, mostly concentrating on that area for the weeks to follow.
damnant quod non intelligunt
(they condemn what they do not understand)