Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

An Unbelievable Technique


Originally posted by Stillwantmore22

Keep in mind guys Dual Fulcrum STRETCHING works too. I see guys get all hyped up on these hanging threads and get the feeling they think stretching doesnt work.

I have been doing fulcrum stretching along with blasters ever since dld first posted them. Haven’t gained anything. I just want to try something new.

Hey Mike I wanted to try to answer some of your questions. Jelktoid would probably know more than me because he is the one I believe that started fulcrum hanging.

1.Have you gotten additional gains from dual fulcrum hanging since December?

I have only been doing this for about 3 days. But something is different I can tell. I actually had a flacid hang today for most of the day that was probably 3/4 of my erect length. This has never happened before. Even my hanging sessions feel different. I am experiencing the pull all around the base and throughout my shaft and this is a ‘deeper’ kind of pull. I am feeling it higher up than usual. It seems like I can better grasp the ‘internal structures’. Has this fulcrum hanging loosened my tunica or have I learned to wrap better? I really haven’t changed the way I am wrapping so I think it must have something to do with loosening the tunica.

2. Do you place the rod at the base or at the middle shaft. My penis is not long enough for me to fit the rod at the middle, because the bib hanger takes up half my penis. Therefore, I can only place the rod at the base. Can this still work?

I have the starter and the regular BIB. I am using the starter for this. I find that with the starter I am able to move around the item I drape my unit over. I am also finding that I feel more stress the wider the instrument I use to do the fulcrum. I had a drumstick that I wrapped with an ace-bandage for comfort and I have a vacuum cleaner attachment. I find the stress greater with the vacuum cleaner attachment so that is what I am using now.

3. Aren’t there any long term effects in 10 or 20 years from now on a person’s urethra from doing this type of hanging? The urethra is taking up so much pressure and weight that I assume it might have serious consequences as you get older. Do you worry that as you hit middle age that you might have trouble urinating or ejaculating because of a damaged urethra?

I don’t know, I hope not.

There is something to this I believe though. I have been plateaued for a year and a half after a length gain of about 3/4 inch. I am now having to end sessions because of fatigue near the base and the shaft. In all my previous attempts at hanging I have had to end the sets because of pain/stress in the head of the penis. I am also using the DLD blaster method here, you know the kegel then reverse kegel. Although I have not gained doing the DLD blasters I feel they were very beneficial in allowing me to learn to isolate the PC muscle, so hats of to our resident PE genius DLD for the blasters. One thing I am finding though is that I believe I get better stress when I do the reverse kegel and then instead of kegeling I just completely relax the PC muscle. When doing this while in a BTC session I swear I can feel the weight drop a little bit, but I could be loco so I don’t know yet.


'The force is with you young Skywalker.....but you are not a Jedi yet.' - Darth Vader 1980 TESB

I am curious, is fulcrum stretching the same as fulcrum jelqing? I read a post about fulcrum jelqing at another site, and the guy said that combined with DlD’s he gained 1/4” in 5 workouts. I have another post in the newbie forum with his exact statement. anyway I would like to here back


I still don’t get how this is performed. Can someone please explain it to me in detail? *crosses his fingers and hopes there’s an illustraion*

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Originally posted by lifer
I am curious, is fulcrum stretching the same as fulcrum jelqing? I read a post about fulcrum jelqing at another site, and the guy said that combined with DlD's he gained 1/4” in 5 workouts. I have another post in the newbie forum with his exact statement. anyway I would like to here back



Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Twisted fulcrum hanging

3. Aren’t there any long term effects in 10 or 20 years from now on a person’s urethra from doing this type of hanging? The urethra is taking up so much pressure and weight that I assume it might have serious consequences as you get older. Do you worry that as you hit middle age that you might have trouble urinating or ejaculating because of a damaged urethra?

Today was my 5th day in a row of fulcrum hanging. I’m using a Starter and a piece of wooden broom handle. I carved down the diameter of my broom handle in the middle where my dick goes and glued on some pipe insulation. It’s nice and cushy.

My dick is short enough (~7” BPEL) that there isn’t much room to move the fulcrum, so the stress is concentrated over a relatively small area near the base. After the 2nd day my urethra was getting sore at the fulcrum point, which can’t be good. So, I twisted my dick (the whole dick/hanger unit) 90 degrees, alternating left and right each set. This helped ease the pressure on the urethra and added some stress. I can handle 7.5 lbs. at 90 degrees.

To make a good thing better, I then went to hanging twisted 180 degrees, again alternating directions during or between sets. This not only helps keep stress off the urethra, but less weight is needed. I can’t currently hang more than 5 lbs. this way for a full set. I’m feeling some good work in the base.

If your urethra is bothering you, try the twist.


Picture this: attach the hanger and sit in a chair. Place a dowel across your lap at dick level so it rests on your upper thighs. Hang your dick over the dowel.

I seem to make great gains just attaching the hanger and hanging while I read the forum. I guess I should try some of this stuff

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I too have an upward curve and I also think it is the lig giving me it. I wish I had a camera to show you guys. You can see the lig on the top of my penis at the base, its tight enough you can see it through the skin. I also have noticed it seems like it protrudes less after 4 weeks of my pure stretch routine.



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