Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

$$$ and PE

$$$ and PE

The money that is involved in PE is mind boggling. I mean, thousands upon thousands of males have searched the web for answers and have been willing to shell out 50-10,000 a pop to realize their goals. I myself have saved up over 4,000 before I came here. The money was going to go for Phalloplasty and girth enhancement. I never believed natural PE was possible from all the articles I have read about the penis and smooth muscle tissue response to stress. I thought I might give it a try because I was looking at another year or more of saving before I could pay for it outright.

I will make a pledge to give half of the money I saved up to Thunder’s site if I reach my goal of 8x6. Until that point, I will continue to save as if I were going to have it done anyway. The more I read, the more confused I get. I have a scientific mind and never believe anything on faith alone. It is true that I have seen an increase in girth but that was easily explained away.

I have only presented the pro PE side in all of my posts. Since the placebo effect has been documented and shown to be effective beyond doubt. I will add that PE has changed my outlook and knowing that I am not alone out here has really made me feel as if I can live without having a big penis. Now it is more of a want, rather than a need.

Wow, that is a very generous proposition there, but it is a very good one. If you reach your goals and you feel that Thunder’s Place was the reason for reaching your goals, why not help keep the place going so that others might have the same opportunity. I know of no pay site that will allow a person to only pay for the information after they reach their goals.
If everyone who has reached their goal was as generous as that, there would be no problem keeping this forum free.
When I reach my goal of 8 inches, I hope I can be just as generous.


I have not reached my goal yet (9BPx7) but I chip in anyway whenever I can (my most recent donation was for the computer fund raiser) because I know that there is information on this site that really works and I feel its the right thing to do. I feel that if you have the perseverance and dedication to use the info to your benefit, you cannot help but succeed even if it takes a little longer than some other faster gainers. We all gain at different rates because we are all different beings but the bottom line is that you are gaining and seeing some progress to-wards your goal and that has to be worth something and thats really what matters the most so I donate even during the journey and not just when I arrive at the destination. I really think its heart warming to see people show such gratitude even though they know it is not an obligation and it comes from the heart.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


I do see your point and there is more than a couple ways to look at anything. I do have the staying power to see it through but at the same time, I read from many sources on the issue at hand. I will say that there are some highly intelligent people who frequent this forum and this impresses me but I will remain “agnostic” so to speak until I see the results myself.

As far as money goes, I will chip some for the shear amount of time I spend here.

Oh shit, I am at work……..I better get back to work now…….

I’ll clarify some things before I get back to fixing this stupid macro I wrote.

I know that stretching the ligs is possible. Dont know how much gain is possible. My only question is in regards to the tunica.

I don’t know your current size, but there are people here that have gone from 5x4.5 to 8x6. You do have to do the work of course ;)

Cya at 8 - I too have an analytical mind and have read sites saying this is not possible i.e. the structure that makes up the penis cannot be permanently/safely enlarged using these methods but will give it a very careful go anyway - Mine is definitely a need not a want to be bigger and am really hoping to see the results especially in Girth - What has your Girth achievements been? and have they remained constant?

They are referring to the Tunica albuginea not the ligaments that attach the penis. The ligaments can be stretched just like any other ligaments in the body. Smooth muscle is made not to grow, other wise your heart would someday be bigger than your chest but I am in the middle of researching excessive force and repair of other organs in the body.

I wouldn’t advise stopping because of the countless number of people who have testified to the fact that their penis has grown. I am just interested in what is actually growing and why.

I have gained 1/4 of an inch in girth and it remains constant. Girth must come from expansion of the tunica or by improved curclation. Either way, it is gaining girth.

Retraction: Smooth muscle is made not to grow in the same way that skeletal muscle does.

Originally posted by Cya at 8

Smooth muscle is made not to grow, other wise your heart would someday be bigger than your chest but I am in the middle of researching excessive force and repair of other organs in the body.

Cya at 8…Hmmmm I don’t know about that, the human heart in a normal person is roughly about the size of your fist.

I am an avid marathon runner, putting in about 10 miles of running per day.
I have resting pulse rate of about 43 beats per minute. You should know that normal resting pulse rate per minute is about 72 for men and 80 for women. The standard for the mark of an athlete in good cardiovascular condition is anything below 60.
Mine is 43 precisely because I am a marathon runner and training has increased my heart size and thus my heart (this is different from people who suffer from disease of enlarged heart) does not have to work as hard as a regular heart to pump the same amount of blood.
To my knowledge, it is a scientific fact that the heart of a good marathon runner is roughly TWICE the size of his fist!!!
The resting pulse rate of world record marathon runners is between 38 and 45 beats per minute. All of this I have read in medical literature concerning marathon runners.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Last edited by supersizeit : 06-24-2003 at .

not in the same way that skeletal muscles do…..I doesn’t break down and repair. It is controlled by the brain and your brain releases PI3K alpha protein witch regulates its size.

Interesting point CYA at 8 although (ground I have covered before I know/Paranoid city!) What concerns me is that the increase in size to the smooth muscle could ultimately lead to its weakening.

Also on a slightly different note Jelqing is said to be an ancient arabic thing…etc but there is a lot of doubt regarding this as it has never been documented. How long has this really been around has anyone come across anything that details this?

I feel much the same as you in your first post. I too considered (briefly) a surgical option it’s expensive but it was the consequenses to my penis that I was worried about.

I also thought that if I reached my goal I would make a significant contribution to Thunder’s. I have already contributed but your post made me think about it again.

Here’s what I think I’m going to do. Rather than wait untill I meet (or is that meat he he) my final goal, which may change over time, I think I will make a contribution every time I make a 1/4 ” gain either in length or girth.

It’s to easy to say “oh yea I’ll contribute one day” (speaking for me only) and I am grateful for every 1/4” I get. And as you posted above knowing so many guys have the issues I have has done a lot to lift a “perceived” burdon.

So thanks for your post and since I’ve already gained 1/2” in total I’m already due for my next contribution.

Anyone else for the Pay as you go plan?

We all need to contribute to keep this place free. Thunder might be able to make allot more money going to a pay site format considering all the experienced PE-ers that give advice here.

If it weren’t for this forum, I might have had to go through a bunch of pain and still have to hang to get gains while lining someones pockets with my hard earned money (not really, I sit in front of a computer all day)

I’m up for the pay as you go plan!!! I gained my first 1/4 and now I have a debt to settle.

Originally posted by supersizeit
Cya at 8…Hmmmm I don't know about that, the human heart in a normal person is roughly about the size of your fist.

I am an avid marathon runner, putting in about 10 miles of running per day.
I have resting pulse rate of about 43 beats per minute. You should know that normal resting pulse rate per minute is about 72 for men and 80 for women. The standard for the mark of an athlete in good cardiovascular condition is anything below 60.
Mine is 43 precisely because I am a marathon runner and training has increased my heart size and thus my heart (this is different from people who suffer from disease of enlarged heart) does not have to work as hard as a regular heart to pump the same amount of blood.
To my knowledge, it is a scientific fact that the heart of a good marathon runner is roughly TWICE the size of his fist!!!
The resting pulse rate of world record marathon runners is between 38 and 45 beats per minute. All of this I have read in medical literature concerning marathon runners.

Yes, the heart does enlarge - so do the bones of heavy weight trainers as well.


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