Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Another Site with Stats/Averages

Another Site with Stats/Averages

The site is . It’s a health info site. One of the topics is Penis Size. They’ve a bunch of graphs and charts, etc. regarding average penis length and girth. It looks like they’ve thrown together the data from several other studies. BP? NBP? No idea. They seem to understimate the averages a bit (at least to my eye.) Whaddaya think? (Sorry if this is old; I’ve never seen it before.)

Here’s the link to the Penis Size portion (page down a bit):

Looks like normal data there, except the girth one is clearly messed up. People have put in width

The survey instructions on how to measure length makes their results unclear because it says that just measuring to the skin is proper but pushing to the bone will be permissible. How many of these collected journals are bp and how many nbp? This messes up trusting the length chart. How many men decide to go nbp and how many bp?

For girth measurement it says to measure the biggest part of the penis. That’s standard in surveys, (note: Thunder’s goes by midshaft however) so I used my biggest measurement , base 5”G, and it showed up in the 63% zone on their chart. Most of the girth measurements were 5” on the chart.

Edit: Just saw your post that some people are putting in width, so the girth chart is screwed up too. Oh well.

Woah, what is this chart saying? http://www.afra … /mgentable.html Am I misunderstanding or does the average size suddenly jump up an inch after 25?

This seems like total BS to me. Does it mean that when I’m older than 25 I’ll no longer be carrying around a 5 incher? I think my penis stopped growing when I was about 14 years old. Anyways I’m 22 now and I don’t think it will grow by itself anymore.

Yes, that 1” sudden jump looked crazy to me too.

Originally Posted by beenthere
For girth measurement it says to measure the biggest part of the penis. That’s standard in surveys, (note: Thunder’s goes by midshaft however) so I used my biggest measurement , base 5”G, and it showed up in the 63% zone on their chart. Most of the girth measurements were 5” on the chart.

Wow, the thickest part? I didn’t know that, I always assumed it was “midshaft.” Hmmm….that makes me even thicker. I’m usually 6.1-6.2 midshaft, but nearly 1/2” more at the base.

It seems we here at Thunder’s are underestimating the average length and overestimating the average girth.

The reason I say this is that most size studies seem to be looking at non-bone pressed length and here we are taking our bone pressed lengths and seeing how we measure up. OTOH, most size studies are also asking for the girth at the thickest part of the shaft, whereas we here at Thunders are usually taking midshaft girth.

Originally Posted by Metal Ed
It seems we here at Thunder’s are underestimating the average length and overestimating the average girth.

The reason I say this is that most size studies seem to be looking at non-bone pressed length and here we are taking our bone pressed lengths and seeing how we measure up. OTOH, most size studies are also asking for the girth at the thickest part of the shaft, whereas we here at Thunders are usually taking midshaft girth.

I agree. Most of us nearly impale ourselves with our “BPEL” techniques, whereas we measure girth strictly at midshaft. So - for the majority of guys - we’re probably better on girth, but “cheating” a little on length.

Until a survey is done by someone, or their well instructed staff, measuring across the globe comprehensively, then we will always only have charts that we can’t be sure of. If there is hardly any difference in penis length between all races, then Thunder’s chart may be close. If there is more difference than generally thought by many, then even Thunder’s charts can possibly be way off the mark if it does not cover the races well.

I agree that, because of PEers pushing hard to the bone and not always measuring right directly on top, those measurements push our length measurements higher than a staff measuring would come up with. On the other hand, I believe that the guys searching for a PE site are going to be, in general, smaller than in lengths than the general public as a whole. I believe the 1/8 -1/4 extra length we come up with from the way we measure is easily balanced out by, in general, by smaller guys finding PE and this is why I say Thunder’s may be close on length.

The bottom line is of course that we can grow and become bigger ourselves. It does make one wonder why we are concerned so much about charts when PEers aren’t stuck on a dot on a graph. A chart does, however, give me a marker to look at to see where I was, where I am now, and where I hope to go. Maybe where I was shouldn’t matter now, but it does helps me personally understand my past sex life better.

Even though I like having a chart to go by, my problem is I don’t trust it to be nearly so accurate. I only have hope it is may not be far off. Many don’t agree with this view, but I am of the opinion that size does indeed vary from race to race. I hope that isn’t offending anyone, but I can’t help thinking this way as I have my reasons. I use to party and hang out in crowds and I can’t just shrug off the times I heard women say there is quite a difference. I know that is just hearsay and have tried to adjust my view somewhat because if that. But this along with my looking into the grower/shower theory, and the numbers looking to me that growers only make up some of the difference when erect, has me unable at this time to join the crowd that think there is little or no difference.

After all my rambling, the bottom line though is still that as PEers we can become way bigger than what we are and are not a fixed dot on a graph.

Last edited by beenthere : 06-24-2004 at .

Here’s a disturbing thought:

Do you ever wonder if these size charts are intentionally fudged? Or at least set up to make men feel better about themselves? I once read an online size study where men simply entered their measurements through the internet and the results were pooled. The author of the site said that he threw out the top 2% of the sizes right off the bat, figuring that most of the guys claiming 11” or whatever were lying.

It seems that most of these size studies go something like this: “Size doesn’t matter! Besides, the average size is smaller than you think! And only 10% of all men are over 7.25”, so how about that, most men are all about the same size ! And, there’s no use worrying about your size, because you can’t change it anyway.”

Doesn’t it seem like… I don’t know….. someone is trying to make us feel better about our size? To placate us? To make us feel better about something that we “can’t change”?

Well measuring with you BPL here makes it eaiser to see gains, your bodyfat percent could change quickly giving a somewhat differnt NBPL. There are people here who are trying to loose weight, and others who are pumping iron packing on more muscle.

Originally Posted by Metal Ed

The author of the site said that he threw out the top 2% of the sizes right off the bat, figuring that most of the guys claiming 11” or whatever were lying.

It made sense in a way to chop off the top 2%, but on the other hand the chop offs could have contained some true measurements. Another example of a needed comprehensive on hands survey to eliminate guesswork.

Originally Posted by sshamm_bone_1
Well measuring with you BPL here makes it eaiser to see gains, your bodyfat percent could change quickly giving a somewhat differnt NBPL. There are people here who are trying to loose weight, and others who are pumping iron packing on more muscle.

Exactly. We are wanting actual enlargement measurements.


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