Another "V-Stretch" variation I like.....
This has been giving me a good stretch as I’ve been using it the last few days. Right in the base ligs too where I want it. You start out like you would with the “V-Stretch”. Starting totally flaccid, grab your glans with one hand, pull straight out or at a downward angle. With the thumb of your other hand push down as hard as is comfortable (w/out causing pain) at the base (on top of penis) and then, maintaining that downward push with the thumb and while still pulling out on the glans with the other hand, pull your penis by the glans upward at a 90 degree or similar angle toward your chest. You can do this stretch either standing, sitting or laying on your back. I prefer sitting. Just thought I’d share. My ligs dont seem to be adapting to these. I do these along with “A-Stretches”.