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Any Advice for Older PEers

Any Advice for Older PEers

New member and first time poster here -

Let me start off by saying that this is a fantastic forum. Hats off to Thunder all who have contributed an amazing amount of practical advice.

I am new to PE and am pushing 53. In searching through past posts I get the sense that most members are in their mid 20s - mid 30s. Once and a while I see a post from a geezer like myself but they seem to be relatively few. My questions are:

Is there any reason to think that success with PE is in any way tied to age where the expectation is the younger one is the more likely the success? For example, do gains take longer to appear in the older man? All else being equal, is there any reason to expect that potential gains are inherently more limited for the older man?

Size’s PE Database does not appear to maintain statistics on age to correlate age and success. I think this would be an interesting addition.

Is there any evidence that the PE routine of someone 50+ should be any different from someone 25? Reading the posts of younger PEers who jelque for an hour or more is a little intimidating to an older guy for obvious reasons.

I would like to hear from some of the older guys (or anyone else who has an opinion) who might be willing to share their insights on age and PE.

Thanks again to everyone for this great forum.

Welcome !!

Hey TJ,

Welcome aboard. There is a poll (probably not up to date though, vote guys dam it) about age in the Polls forum. There are quite a few of us “older gentlemen” here, and some good gainers too.

As far as exerising differences, us older guys probably would stack right up against the younger ones as far as gains go. Do we need different exercises? I don’t think so.

51 here.

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Traveler-first of all welcome. I’m an ole fart of 53.

Yes, it works for us geezers too.

Peruse the FAQS and read all ya can-wealth of info on here.

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

You’re just a kid.

Older guys don’t require any special PE program. Just pick the one(s) that feel good to you and stick to it.

I second Thunder’s remark.

We gain just as well if not better than younger men. And we appreciate the gains more because we’ve gone longer without having them.




I just turned 48 (Thunder, where in the hell was my birthday cake?).

So far, I have gained 1.75 inches in length over a 7 month period. I have been one of the faster gainers on the forum. I hit a plateau for a while, but am now gaining again. Initially, you will probably experience length and girth increases that are a result of “stretching everything out”. I never measured myself when I was younger. I was 5.5 inches erect when I started PE. I may have been more than that in my 20’s and early 30’s, but I know that I was no where near the 7.25 inches that I am now. However, I will say that it takes WORK. I put in a lot of hours despite owning a business and having a hectic schedule. Fortunately, I am able to work a lot from my PC and also PE at the same time (I hang and occasionally jelq). Your age should have no effect upon your ability to gain. However, be careful and try to avoid injury. The one advantage that the young bucks have is that their tissues are a little more flexible and they heal faster.

Good luck


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Thanks, gentlemen, for your replies and encouragement. I am glad to see that there are other grey hairs in the crowd. I will proceed with my routine cautiously and look forward to some results. Anything that is growing rather than shrinking at this point will be welcome.

BTW - avocet8 - Although I have lived in Virginia for the past 15 years I spent much of my youth (the 60’s) in the Islands. I went to Kalani High School and my wife and I are both UH grads. So Aloha to you.


Know what ya mean about growing/shrinking….

Let’s see, hairline, bank account and tolerance of others are shrinking……waist, prostate, and penis seem to be going the other direction!

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God


Try it, you’ll like it!

I started PE 3 months ago for reasons other than growth, but if you look at the progress I’ve made in this short time, It should give you encouragement that age is not a significant factor.

My Age ? 3 months short of 64.

My statistics are posted on Sizes’ PE database, I’ve had measurements slightly greater than what’s recently been posted. - - You know, The occasional, super hard morning “woodie.”

Sidewinder, - - Formerly known as Straight Arrow.

Aloha, T_J;

I did it the opposite way. Born in VA and ended up here.

Good luck on your PE program and keep us posted on how it goes.

Consider putting your starting stats in Size’s PE Data forum. Great way to track your gains and to encourage others.



do a search for boxcar…he’s an older gentleman (I think an md) who’s had great gains and feels older people can make faster gains than younger pe enthusiasts…best of luck to you in your puirsuit.

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