Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anybody here have too much length?

Originally Posted by MeLoco
Sorry MX but I think your wrong, the cervix is the "bottom" and you can’t slide past it. If you have ever had a baby and went to the doctors office you would know this as they stick there fingers up there and tell you how dialated she is and the cervix is usually, when not pregnant, 1 cm at best probably less. Sliding past the cervix would get you into the uterus and would be excrutiating painful to her.

and by the way 90% of pain during delivery of a baby is at the cervix not the vagina like almost every guy thinks. The vagina is so stretchy and can handle so much more than you think.

While you can think whatever you want, it’s basic physiology. Also, note that I said, "slide past the cervix" not into it.

"The vagina is a thin walled muscular tube lying inferior to the bladder and anterior to the anus and rectum. Its superior end is invaginated by the cervix of the uterus forming the fornices. The anterior and lateral fornices are shallow but the posterior fornix is deep. The posterior fornix meets the fascia of the peritoneum of the recto-uterine pouch."

The Female Pelvis
http://ect.down … /l43/100200.htm

For more information, "Super Sexual Orgasm" by Barbara Keesling is a decent book about giving women CDS/posterior fornix orgasms.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

Originally Posted by Bird2
My original goal was to get a cock of 22 x 17cm (8 2/3 x 6.7) and I still believe that this would be possible for practically any girl to take without any pain. A big part is foreplay, technique and the ability to get the girl to relax.

Foreplay will never change the physiologica; structure of the vagina. Actually very few women will be able to handle a dick that big without some discomfort ranging from “stop now” to take it slow it hurts type of discomfort.

Originally Posted by MeLoco
Sorry MX but I think your wrong, the cervix is the “bottom” and you can’t slide past it. If you have ever had a baby and went to the doctors office you would know this as they stick there fingers up there and tell you how dialated she is and the cervix is usually, when not pregnant, 1 cm at best probably less. Sliding past the cervix would get you into the uterus and would be excrutiating painful to her.

and by the way 90% of pain during delivery of a baby is at the cervix not the vagina like almost every guy thinks. The vagina is so stretchy and can handle so much more than you think.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. You can feel the cervix with your finger. Having delivered a few babies I know.

Originally Posted by thal

Well I am a big fan of bumping pelvic bones. Well not bumping more like rubbing. When you do that you can rub her clit with your body/bone while inside her. It’s the grind move. Push as hard as you can and wiggle circle and move. Keeping the contact between bones the whole time no thrusting just grinding. Most women can’t orgasm though penetration because nothing is touching her clit. I always get a good reaction from the grind move and I do it often. If I go away from that move, she grabs my ass and pulls me back in to grind some more. That’s the main reason I don’t want to get to long. Jeez I can’t believe that I am even saying that. But I would hate to lose one of my favorite moves.

I don’t have a problem with the grind move, but the bumping of pelvic bones is what I was getting at. My 6” EG is enough to hit her clit to her satisfaction. In that regard she doesn’t care if our pelvic bones are touching or not. It doesn’t seem to give her any added pleasure as stimulating her deep vaginally does. Quite often she will ride me (grind method) in a manner that I think that there’s no way that I could be stimulating her clit. This happens to be her favorite position, gets her off very quickly.

Originally Posted by MeLoco
Sorry MX but I think your wrong, the cervix is the “bottom” and you can’t slide past it. If you have ever had a baby and went to the doctors office you would know this as they stick there fingers up there and tell you how dialated she is and the cervix is usually, when not pregnant, 1 cm at best probably less. Sliding past the cervix would get you into the uterus and would be excrutiating painful to her.

MX information was correct. Yours is not. The cervix is not the “bottom”… well, MX said it correctly, I won’t write the same he wrote.

Originally Posted by thethickone
Foreplay will never change the physiologica; structure of the vagina. Actually very few women will be able to handle a dick that big without some discomfort ranging from “stop now” to take it slow it hurts type of discomfort.

I have read many advice given to guys with even a bigger cock than that. I would never go beyond 9x7 because that is the absolute limit to me. The advice given was foreplay, technique and let the girl relax. Most pronstars can take two cocks that size. Learn to fuck like a porn star and your problems vanish. But I agree that the “ram-bam thank you mem” fucks won’t happen that often as it used to be.

OK OK, I stand corrected. I guess I didn’t know quite as much as I thought I did.

I did a little research on what you said MX and you are right, however I did have to track down a cross section diagram before I got it .. duhhh lol

Start BPEL 6.5" Oct 8 2005 BPEL 7.0" EG 5.5" midshaft Goal NBPEL 8" EG 6" Me.. MeLoco

I’m around 7.25” BPEL and 5.0 EG mid-shaft, 5.5 EG at the base. This measurement is with a full blown, 100%, hard on. I am 32 and am dating this woman now who is 39. She has a child, but did not deliver vaginally. We have been having sex for about 2 months now. She has one of the smallest clits I have ever seen and I have trouble figuring out what she likes as far as direct clit or oral stimulation. I can tell she is not as into it as when being fingered or penetrated. For what it is worth, it appears she doesn’t date much and has what I would consider a pretty tight vagina. One finger is enough, two is a little tight, and three is probably near impossible but I haven’t tried. BTW…I have pretty small hands and fingers. Anyway, when we are having sex she gets off when I go as deep as I can in the missionary position (for some reason not with the legs up). I can remember her holding my ass with her hands and pulling me in and saying “deeper”. When she orgasms she holds me inside her and rotates her pelvis however she likes it. She does not like me to be thrusting in and out while she orgasms. I had been off PE for several months when her and I first started having sex. A few times I had trouble staying hard during extended sex with a condom so I decided it was time to start up again. After a couple of weeks, I am not sure about measurements, but my erections are way, way stronger and harder. Last night when we had sex, she began to say “deeper” and when I rooted it in her as deep as I could it went something like, “deeper—-oh, yessssss”. This has happened the last couple of times we have had sex and she has had more orgasms. She is very petite and 7 1/4” is obviously not too much for her, but I can feel myself rubbing against something in there so I wonder how much more she can take. Maybe I’ll get lucky and find out! So this is a woman who appears to get off more from the depth that the rubbing of the thickness. It is irrelevant but I would love to mention she wears a 36DDD and is in average shape for 39 IMO. I hope I can maintain my PE routine and my relationship with her to see if I get any responses on growth and to see how much she can continue to take. For the record guys, I would love to have a 12” cock with 7” girth that I could rarely use. I know it’s wrong. I know its pathetic, but it’s true and that’s that.

All I can say is it all depends. It all depends on the woman. To avoid hitting the cervix you’d have to be under six inches for most women and under five inches for a lot of women—me for instance. For the forty percent of women who can orgasm from penetration, the important thing is to be able to hit the cul de sac up behind the cervix. Too much more than that and you risk seriously abrading the cervix (which softens up considerably at ovulation). Frankly I think for that goal seven inches is more than plenty, but that would be non-bone-pressed.

Of course there is also the g-spot to give vaginally orgasmic women orgasms, as long as they are open to it (some women don’t like the “needing to pee” feeling). The g-spot is only two inches in on the front wall, so just about every guy can hit that one. But you need to know where it is to hit that one, unlike the cul de sac which is basically a no-brainer—just bottom out.

And girth preferences really are dependent on vaginal muscle tone in a woman.

As I’ve said before, women are not balloons—the goal is not to fill them up until they pop. It’s more important to hit our particular spots.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Thanks Zaneblue.

Yeah thanks Zaneblue we could really use a female point of view on alot of the topics being discussed here.

Start BPEL 6.5" Oct 8 2005 BPEL 7.0" EG 5.5" midshaft Goal NBPEL 8" EG 6" Me.. MeLoco

Originally Posted by zaneblue
For the forty percent of women who can orgasm from penetration, the important thing is to be able to hit the cul de sac up behind the cervix. Too much more than that and you risk seriously abrading the cervix (which softens up considerably at ovulation). Frankly I think for that goal seven inches is more than plenty, but that would be non-bone-pressed.

What do you think the upper limit on NBP length is for this function, beyond which the guy either isn’t going to get it all in or he is going to risk seriously abrading the cervix? I’m assuming 8” (for most women), but I’d be interested to know your opinion.

Originally Posted by zaneblue
As I’ve said before, women are not balloons—the goal is not to fill them up until they pop. It’s more important to hit our particular spots.


Also, I have been with at least 2 women that had trouble taking all of my 7 inches. They were both on the petite side. I think we all know this by now, but I gather that a lot of us here are convinced that every woman wants a bigger dong which is not necessarily true. It has been said before, but I thought I would just hammer it in. For these ladies I am referring to, 7 X 5 was more than enough. Sometimes even too much although I smirk as I say it knowing how much some women can handle. There is someone for everyone as the saying goes, I guess.

Originally Posted by monsterjohnson
Also, I have been with at least 2 women that had trouble taking all of my 7 inches. They were both on the petite side. I think we all know this by now, but I gather that a lot of us here are convinced that every woman wants a bigger dong which is not necessarily true. It has been said before, but I thought I would just hammer it in. For these ladies I am referring to, 7 X 5 was more than enough. Sometimes even too much although I smirk as I say it knowing how much some women can handle. There is someone for everyone as the saying goes, I guess.

Wow. I was 7 x 5 pre PE, and I never had one woman have trouble taking that. And I’ve slept with lots of petite women.

Well, I have been with my share of women too, and I think we all have poked a woman in the wrong spot from time to time. This doesn’t mean you are too big, though. I am positive that both these cute blonds were very uncomfortable with their legs up or doggie style. This was even after they orgasmed and had time to relax. It was definitely a length thing…not girth. Now that I think of it, there was one woman I was with that was exceptionally tight. She was so tight it hurt trying to get in and have sex with her. She was definitely an anomaly, but I only had sex with her once. It was crazy.

I also wanted to comment on the petite thing. Some of the greatest sex I have ever had was with ‘bigger’ women…from chunky to BBW. I don’t think my experience with the two ladies in question had anything to do with them being petite. Maybe I gave the wrong impression by saying that.


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