Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anyone gained from clamping and not before?


Anyone gained from clamping and not before?

I must have the smallest girth around, 4.02 inches…
It’s 4.1 at the base though.

I can’t do the horses, cause that only compresses my penis.. when trying to slide down the head.

And no matter how hard I press, a ULI goes all the way.. like a jelq.

Now I’ll try clamping.. 6minutes/day for some time then increase.

Has anyone seen the clamping as a TURNING POINT? I mean, have you made your FIRST gains from clamping although you’ve tried lots of other methods months earlier??

I have tried wet jelq, jelq squeez, and uli 3. I have gained a lot from those routines. It’s been only about two months that I start clamping, I haven’t done any measurement lately, but I can tell that clamping make my penis looks bigger when both flaccid and erect.

7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Originally Posted by Exochico
IHas anyone seen the clamping as a TURNING POINT? I mean, have you made your FIRST gains from clamping although you’ve tried lots of other methods months earlier??

is , as you call it, a turning point.

Pay attention to do it well.
As you know, almost all clampers, perhaps except Drilla, have discoloration, but great increase in girth.

Be very careful with clamping! Read the posts! By the way , why 6 minutes a day? Go for 3 sessions of 10 minutes each . . just not TOO tightly clamped. Massage while you are clamped.

I don’t think 6 minutes will do much for you.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

I’ve not been clamping long enough to know what it will do yet.

Some suggestions that may be helpful to you which have worked for me when others here told me about them.

Consider pumping for a little while before clamping to plump it up enough to fill the clamp. Then you’ve got something to work with.

Use a nice, soft, bit of thick cloth (I use an ACE wrap folded up) so that the clamp will actually squeeze your penis enough.

Oh, and the suggestions about the time in clamp…I’d listen to them too.

Well I heard from bird2 I think that I should begin with about 5min/day…

So 10x2-3 would be OK?
Hey, isnät clamping like horses without the head-squeeze? They seem harmless…

I’m doing 10 minutes. One to three times a day. Most often, just once or twice. Sometimes I just take days off too No damage so far. In fact, erection ability is the best ever.

Someone with more experience will probably chime and and give better information. As I’ve already said, I’m new to clamping. I didn’t know about it when doing penis health work and found I was growing. I was afraid of it when I evolved on to PE work. Now I’m glad I’m doing it.

No, Exo - none of it is harmless. It is all potentially - if not done carefully - very dangerous to the permanent health of your dude.

Horses or jelq squeezes, while using the compression principle, are different in that you only hold them for a few seconds in comparison to many minutes in a clamp.

Clamping has worked for me. I am a satified customer. Before you start to clamp, make sure you are conditioned, read some threads on this, there is some good shit here. We have vets like Drill9, Bird2, Kaan and others, ask them for advice. Dangleman himself can tell you what to watchout for when clamping cause I believe he has had some injuries that you need to not only be aware of, but to watchout for.

Here is my story. I have reached my goals

Here are some of my thoughts on clamping so far:

I have been clamping for about a month now, doing 3x 10 min sessions and I’m very happy with the results! This is after a few months of manual stretches and jelqing with no gains. My routine is now as follows:

1) Warm wrap (washcloth) - 5-10 min.
2) Uli #3 - 10-15 min. (I can’t do more than that on a daily basis-trying to prevent blood spots)
3) Clamping with an ace bandage and 1 Cable Clamp at base - 3x 10 min.

I’ve been doing this routine 5 days on and 2 days off. Admittedly, I have missed a day here and there. So far I have gained 1/4” in base girth!

Now that I’m used to clamping, I’m considering adding Extreme Ulis to my routine using 2 Cable Clamps.

The one aspect of clamping that I am particularly careful about is discoloration. I pay alot of attention to the color of my rod. If I see it getting darker than I am comfortable with, I immediately remove the clamp (sometimes I can’t go the full 10 min. Without getting too dark).

• Started Feb 2002: BPEL - 5.5" x EG-4.5"•

• Clamped 12/1/06 - 3/8/07 (put on hold while I try hanging) - NBPEL - 7.0"/BPEL - 7.25" x EG - 5.00" base x 4.50"mid • Just started hanging with Capt's Wench 3/8/07!

• Current: NBPEL - 7.0"/BPEL - 7.25" x EG - 5.25" base x 5.00"mid • Goal: BPEL 8" x EG 6.0" base •

I’ve been clamping for about a week now every other day. I only do 1 10 minute session, 10 minutes off and another 7 to 8 minute session before I feel like I’m at my limit. I too get a bit worried about discoloration and such so I take it easy.

At any rate, I’ve seen nothing yet but I do go from a 4.5 EG to about 5.1 EG while clamped so I’m hoping at some point that this will translate to permanent gains in the future.

Clamping has definitely had an effect for me. But it took me a *long* time — 5 - 6 months — to get conditioned to the point where I could do some ‘extreme’ clamping, i.e., up to 20 min. with two clamps. The other thing that has had a very noticeable effect is erect bends. Again, this is an *extreme* exercise, but I found it broke me out of my plateau. It’s also something I can do with morning wood without disturbing the gf (clamps and pumps are both very noisy in the quiet early hours!). I bend at various locations, to each side and forward, holding each bend for about a minute. I’ve also been hanging for about six months now, and using an ADS for about three. Length is coming slowly but girth more quickly.

Hey folks, thanks for all replies.

I did my first clamping today and.. well, it took me a while to decide the proper wrap, because at first it made the penis completely flaccid.

SPeaking of the flaccidness,.. is it normal for the penis to become about 10-20% erect, although it’s plumped and you can feel the veinage… ?? I though clamping would be like 80% erection all the time?
Or should I increase wrap thickness??

And why does my head get cold after 9-10 minutes?, not tight enough, all blood exits???
Should I do some kegeling every minute or so?

Last edited by Exochico : 01-12-2007 at .


my routine consists of 10min wet-jelqing before clamping..

But could I just warm up, then go straight to calmping? Cause it’s quite time-spending to lube on, lube off, THEN clamp..

It’s going to take a while before clamping starts becoming ‘beneficial’. Your first experiences — for quite some time — are going to be conditioning. This includes getting the blood vessels to the point where they can take this kind of abuse. Don’t try to rush this! You’ll pop a vein faster than an inner tube on a 10-year-old bike. Heat, stretching and jelqing are NOT optional. You need to be as warmed up and flexible as possible before you clamp.


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