About duration of decondition break
Anyone have experience about decon breaks?
What is most efficient duration to be newbie again.
So far I tried 9 months even 1 year break.
Both gave me very good result and I grew from 6.4 to 8.5
Is there any chance that if I try 6-7 months break instead of 9 month I will still decondition enough so I can gain again?
I’m trying to reduce time as much as possible but to still be very effective.
If I can get deconditioned about 90% from 6 month break its very good.
Why I would wait 9 months to get 95-100 %?
Btw I done PE for 6 months
Manual stretching 35 minutes
Jelqing 35 minutes
Keggeling for 5 min max reps
5 on 2 off
Sorry for my bad english.