A very wise man gave me some great advice once when I was bemoaning my situation. I desperately wanted something, bitterly wanted it. I was angry all the time and full of resentment, especially against the people who (I concluded) chose not to give me what I desired.
But the harder I tried to reach this goal, the more it escaped my grasp.
This very wise man explained to me that when you want something “too much” you give out negative vibes, and so people, situations, goals, etc. retreat—like some universal law took over—making sure I didn’t get what I so desperately wanted.
So what am I to do?, I asked him. Forget about the goal, he said. Focus on yourself, improving your life, i.e. weight loss, working out, PE., etc; let go of your negative attitudes.
Then positive energy can enter you and you can give off this same positive energy. And when you least expect it, when you’ve let go of your desperation and forgotten about your goal, when you no longer give a damn whether you get it or not, and when you least expect it, it will happen.
This man is gone now, but one of the last things he told me before he died was that he knew I would eventually reach my goal.
I still haven’t reached that goal, but I no longer let this perceived “rejection” rule my life. If I get it, fine. If I don’t get it, it’s o.k. too. Acceptance is a huge part of this equation.
You may have noticed how some guys seem to get all the pussy they want and more, and they don’t even seem to be searching for it. And they’re not necessarily “hunks,” good looking, super-hung, whatever.
They’re simply following this universal law which I’ve just explained to you. They’re not giving out negative “karma.” Their attitude is to keep busy doing what they need to do and then the pussy comes to them.
Get involved, deeply involved in your music, or whatever and forget about whether you’re a virgin or not. But don’t isolate. Reach out. Go to places where you can meet women. But don’t go with the idea that you’re going to get laid. Your desperation will be written on your sleeve and it will push people away.
I hope this is some help to you, you seem to be suffering so from wanting something too much.