I sometimes get depressed when I Think about the fact that I am now 8.25 BP by about an average of slightly over 5 inches girth, but I attempt to remind myself that women judge you for far more than your penis, but a longer dick that is proportionally skinner is still “big” to most girls. If your packin 7+NBP, than if you have 4.5+ in girth, if asked between big and small, most women would still say “Big”, same thing if you are 5.5X5.5, I would bet the same. I don’t want to get into a pissin contest about averages, I just believe that the average girl is a little more down to earth (albeit unknowingly) than we think. Also, if there is anything to take away from this thread, it’s that girls don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. A guy who is 5’5 130 is better off with 5.5NBPX4.5 penis than a guy who is 6’5X250 with a 7.5 NBPX5.5. The one size is drastically larger in volume, but from a cosmetic standpoint, and in the eyes of many women, they might as well be the same size.