Are all of a newbies "gains" actually GAINS?
Hey guys: Two weeks into my second month I find myself wondering about my “gains”- *especially* my girth. The more I look at people’s stats, the more It seems to me that girth gains come with some difficulty. Putting my “gains” up beside what seems to be the statistical curve leads me to believe that my newbie gains are, in part at least, the *restoration of my native wood*.
Perhaps what happens during the newbie phase is that your cock plumps back out to it’s hard-as-hell nineteen year old self and some of your initial newbie “gains” are in proportion to how much you’ve shrunk or lost since you were in your teens. If you’ve gone quite far down the hill from where you were as a teen then you’ll “gain” back to your 17 year old badself and therefore consider yourself a “quick gainer”. This is definitely what I feel has happened to me in the girth department. Length-wise I’ve definitely GAINED (i.e. I was never this long even in high school- I measured BP to try and get the longest reading-lol), but as I’ve considered a 1/4” gain in girth in one month and remembered back to what my dick used to be like, I’ve come to conclude that a size-able amount of my girth “gains” as a newbie are a result of reclaiming what was already mine. Instinct tells me that I may have actually only GAINED 1/16th of an inch beyond my max girth back in the day and that the other 3/16ths are recovering lost ground.
Has anyone posited such a notion around here before? Probably, but I’d be interested to see if anyone thinks this kind of “dick memory” is functioning during newbie gains and therefore making the progress of some newbies look faster than others. One would think that if this were the case that the older a PE’er (therefore the more he’s shrunk) the bigger his initial newbie gains would be- and vice-versa. Perhaps this is just my way of trying to explain my 1/4” girth gain in the first month- hell I thought I’d measured wrong, but I took *pictures* so there’s really no disputing that *something* happened. But what? Can you really GAIN a 1/4” of real, PE driven girth in one month? Id say a gain like that has to happen during the first three months or so.