Thunder's Place

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Are there any exercises that specifically target glans growth only

Are there any exercises that specifically target glans growth only

I definitely don’t want to gain girth anywhere on the shaft of the penis, but the head of my penis is not quite as proportional as I would like since the dramatic increase in girth. I am considering filler injections but the before and after photos are such a mixed bag

Looking for any exercise or equipment that would allow me to increase the size of my glans while not growing anything else…

I heard some people in India look for bees to sting their genitals
Bigger than an ostrich egg
You want that ?

Exercise should be comprehensive You increase the circumference, other aspects do not increase
is your exercise mistake exercise the same part of the exercise too much other parts of little or no practice
this result will occur

I’m sure I’ve seen a small vacuum pump/device that targets glans expansion only… not sure how effective they are though 🤔.

Edit: try putting "penis head pump" on ebay… quite a few different ones come up

Start: BPEL 6.7" MSEG 4.8"

Now: BPEL 8.4" MSEG 5.6"

Goal: BPEL 9.0" MSEG 6.0"

Last edited by SD85 : 05-22-2024 at .

You can get a vacuum cup larger than your expanded glans and expand into it for sets as long as is comfortable for you. I think using the water trick enables you to pull more vacuum without the potential for blisters.

I do this passively sometimes when I’m otherwise not doing any other PE, but not consistently enough to confirm it specifically works, but theoretically it should. I have noticed that my glans is slowly enlarging with vacuum hanging and extending, which I do most days, and so I think this might work on its own.

Most companies sell multiple sizes, and I think there might be some manufacturers who make custom sizes, so I imagine the potential for enlarging isn’t limited by what size you might need.

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by boner7484
I definitely don’t want to gain girth anywhere on the shaft of the penis, but the head of my penis is not quite as proportional as I would like since the dramatic increase in girth. I am considering filler injections but the before and after photos are such a mixed bag

Looking for any exercise or equipment that would allow me to increase the size of my glans while not growing anything else…

What was your routine to gain so much girth?

Originally Posted by boner7484
I definitely don’t want to gain girth anywhere on the shaft of the penis, but the head of my penis is not quite as proportional as I would like since the dramatic increase in girth. I am considering filler injections but the before and after photos are such a mixed bag

Looking for any exercise or equipment that would allow me to increase the size of my glans while not growing anything else…

Hi boner!
give this link thoughtfulgold’s Glans Size increase Methods in Public Forums - Penis Enlargement Basics a read and then let me know what you think, cheers

Here I leave you an exercise that a member developed to lengthen his glans.
It was a few millimeters but any change is positive in the PE

It seems from your post that you are more interested in the thickness but I think it would be useful to you even if it is to reduce that visual difference with the rest of the penis.

The post is in Spanish so you will have to translate it. I hope it works for you.

CĂłmo alargar el glande y ganar milĂ­metros de largo

Por la ambición de la abundancia y por la sensación de progreso siempre queremos más.

Detenerse, respirar, meditar, analizar, concluir y actuar nos ayudará a tomar mejores decisiones en este curioso camino que es la vida y todo lo que ella contiene (el PE).

Glans Growth Only

I have not seen any that only target the Glans. My experience has been glans growth is proportional to length and girth gains.

I haven’t come across any glans specific exercises yet.

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