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Are there any risks in using an infrared lamp?


Are there any risks in using an infrared lamp?


i started to use an infrared lamp today to keep the tissue warm and i had good success. It really warms up good.

But then something came in my mind: Does the light maybe damage testicles when it reaches them or even make infertile?
Or can it damage the skin after using it for a long time (is heating up the skin ONLY good?)?
What are the dangers in using IR-light, or does it only have advantages?

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

Infra Red should be completely harmless, if that’s all it is.

The bulb would likely not be 100% infra red - you can test this theory out if it produces any visible light then it’s not IR…

But the frequencies of rays that would br produced from that kind of device would not enter a harmful range either way. Don’t worry, you are not going to get mutations or anything…

I would worry about burning myself though…

I use one a heat/massager infra red thing, it does make the skin a bit sore with repeated use, but is much more convenient than the rice sock. Just alternate between the two.


There’s a risk of burning yourself if you put the lamp too close to your body. Keep a distance of 18” - 20” at least and you’ll be fine.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Ok , thanks for your replies!

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

It shouldn’t have any ill effects, other than the possiblity of causing too much heat.

It will be really bad for your fertility, if your testes get heated, at least in the short term.

I hope it’s ok I’m using mine today (not —> 2day) and it feels great, as far as I’ve read theres only benefits form using it.

Originally Posted by swordsman

It will be really bad for your fertility, if your testes get heated, at least in the short term.

Yea those little guys need to be kept below body temperature thats why they hanging out there in the first place

Wow, you dug up an old one, dongdon. At least somebody uses the search button. :D


When you guys are talking about “infrared lights”, do you mean those “red light lamps” you can purchase anywhere for a few bucks ?

Sorry about that question. I’m not a native English speaker, so I am a bit confused.

Yeah, it’s infra red, cost me £15 (about $8), and it’s amazing.

Last edited by dongdon : 03-03-2005 at .

No, not just a red bulb. It’s a heat producing lamp. Usually sold as “Infrared Heat Lamps” or something of the sort. The bulb looks like a flood light, not a regular light bulb.

Start:03/04 BPEL 6.0 EG 4.75 Current:03/05 BPEL 6.675 EG 5.125 Goal by 06/05 BPEL 7.0 EG 5.5 "Please.. Please... Please!!" "You feel so big and hard in my mouth!" "Feels like more!" & most recently "Are you making it grow?" -- various quotes from Mrs. Lefty


I bought what I thought was an infra red light bulb, but it is actually producing red light. It is very hot though, so I’m not sure whether it is an infra red bulb that produces infra red light as well as just red light, or if it just produces red light.

Do any of your infra red lamps or bulbs show red light?


Infra red light isnt normally visible to the human eye, bees can see it though! Its whats used in alot of short range remote control units I think. Chances are the more light it emits thats visible the less efficent it is, its not like a pure science - not for $2 anyway. Remote control units use low powered LED’s which are often used in a similar fashion to lasers in that the spectrum of light they emit can be refined and precise, something more powerfull and cheap is probably all over the place which is why you get light and heat.

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