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I have been doing PE off and on for several years. I have gone from BPEL 7 x 4 3/4 to BPEL 8 1/4 to 5 3/4.

I attribute most of my girth growth to clamping and erect jelqing. I stopped clamping for a year and started erect jelqing (which I have only been doing for a year). A year ago, when I started erect jelqing, I noticed a significant size increase after about 20-30 minutes exercise. So, I stopped clamping and started jelqing, and have gained a good half inch in a year. I feel like I am stuck in gaining, so now (just started) I jelq for 20-30 minutes (plump up from 5 3/4 to 6.5) and then put hose clamp on for 15-18 minutes, and keep tightening down during session. I don’t increase in size during clamp, but maintain 6.5 through clamp session. I just started doing this in mid-march, so I am hoping six months from now, I will see a half inch gain since I have not clamped for over a year. Any thoughts from experienced clampers?

My goal is 6.5 witout jelqing (without any excercising), which after jelqing should take me up to 7” in girth.

Now, one thing I will say, if I jelq during the day, getting up to 6.5, even after several hours, I am at least 6.25, and it doesn’t take but a few minutes to be at 6.5.

I am not a deeply experienced clamper … but there is one observation and one proposal that I would make.

If you are getting the expansion during clamping that you report (i.e. a staggering 3/4 of an inch), then I am left wondering if your overall circulatory system is not the culprit here.

In my experience, when I clamp, I do not get much more than a quarter inch of expansion during the clamping session.

If your CC’s and CS have that much room to stretch, maybe you should focus some attention your ticker and improving the amount of blood that is making it to where it needs to go during an erection.

How is your EQ over all?

Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

Get excellent EQ for 55. I am getting 3/4 of an inch by erect jelqing, then I put the clamp on, and keep it on for 15-18 minutes. I am not getting any futher expansion, but I am hoping that staying expanded at 6.5 for this extended period will create additional growth. I just started this routine. When I only clamped, I got aout 1/2 in expansion. A year ago, when I discovered erect jelqing, and got huge expansion, I stopped clamping. A year later, I am going to try both to seek my next level of growth.

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