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Ball Zinger has helped my impotence!

Ball Zinger has helped my impotence!

After using the ball zinger for two weeks or so, irritation forced me to discontinue for several days. Then last week I put it on and lubed under the ring with Teston Creme (it seems to help reduce irritation and boost voltage). I had it on all night and awoke with a great hard erection. It was so good, I decided to put it to use in my wife, which seldom occurs so spontaneously because of Erectile disfunction. (I’ve been injecting my penis with caverject to get a good erection just before I need it.) I wore the BZ through the love making and it was great! I would encourage any of you who suffer from ED to try the Blakoe Ring (or ball zinger, as it is called on this site) and see if you get similar results. It’s a real boost to the manhood to see your boy standing up and doing his job like in the old days.. (I’m 64)


This teston-creme, what´s that?


Teston Creme is a product of Gero Vita Laboratories. You can contact them and get a catalog and subscribe to the Journal of Longevity by calling 800-546-8543. (That’s the order line but I’m sure they can get the catalog of products for you.) Teston is a testosterone booster meant to be applied directly to soft skin on or near the scrotum. I have found the combination of the creme and the BZ a good erection booster. Had another great one this morning and put it to good use. I have taken to wearing the BZ only at night though, since continual wearing causes irritation for me.


Does this not seem like spam? :confused:


Hey AnotherGuy,

Let’s just consider it a strong testimonial for now. If it would have had a link, I would have moved it to the Review section.


Have you tried the ring or the creme seperately? Enough to know which one of them is actually working?? It would be interesting to know which is the more effective.

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Oh ok. I’m a salesman myself and it just sounded like a prepared sales pitch;) but what the hey this is a site for helping guys with these problems right;)

Originally posted by ThunderSS
Hey AG,

I think that is what we are trying to do here. :D And thanks for the warning about you being a salesman, I'll have to keep an eye on you now. :D :D :D

Well I don’t think I’ll be selling anything here. I do sales for one of the primary soft drink company’s, Cadbury Schweppe’s:D

but hopefully I can sell the idea that PE is possible.

No spam intended, guys… not even a sales pitch. I’m not sure if the Teston Creme does any good. I’ve used it separately and have seen no remarkable improvement. It’s supposed to boost T production. I think the BZ does more in that department. I noticed the most improvement since using it. I’ve done nothing special to boost voltage. I normally get between .7 and .8 v using a little palm sized multimeter you can get at (is it ok to mention the store without being accused of spam?) Radio Shack.

Just my expeience.



Where did you purchase the Blakoe Ring ? Did you eaver try Viagra and did it work for you? I have tried a few rings and they work somewhat, but your results sound fantastic. Thanks for sharing. My impotence is really a problem and I’m trying to find some cure that might work.

Welcome aboard !!

Hey jdub,

Welcome to the forum. Avocet8 has a site dedicated to ED. Send him a Private Message and he will tell you about it and get you set up with access, if you are interested. Great place with an abundance of information.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

ED is with me, you say you have a good site?

Any information or devices for ( ED ). Thanks for your time on this problem, it would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry about the caps.

Hey Advocet, you say you have information on ed, Any help will be appreciated. Thanks again for your time on this problem.


Originally posted by jdub
Where did you purchase the Blakoe Ring ? Did you eaver try Viagra and did it work for you? I have tried a few rings and they work somewhat, but your results sound fantastic. Thanks for sharing. My impotence is really a problem and I'm trying to find some cure that might work.

jdub… I’m not sure this will work. I’m still new at using this format but I’m trying the “quote” response.
I made my own Blakoe Ring after reading stuff on this subject here. I ordered the zinc from McMaster Supply (mentioned elsewhere here) and copper tubing from Home Depot in 1/4 inch ID. Surgical latex tubing works best as the ring, and I used some copper rod at the top to join it together. You just slip the ends on and it holds pretty well. I’ve made three of them, and of those, two work well. The other irritated and pinched too much.
There’s something about the flow of dc current that seems to stimulate testosterone production. It’s strongest in the 4-6 am hours when T is at it’s highest. That’s when you get your nocturnal erections. I usually notice them and use NEs as a guage of how much T my balls are producing. My goal has been to increase natural T production. I’ve used Teston Creme and a testosterone gel, but don’t think they have had much effect. The Blakoe Ring or ball zinger (BZ) works best for me.
I have had some success with viagra, but the wait is the killer for me. By the time the stuff is effective (1-2 hours) we many times lose the mood… know what I mean? My urologist has me on Caverject injections where you inject directly into the penis when you want an erection. It works fine, and I’ve gotten over the fear of shooting something into my penis. The ring is non-invasive, though, and seems to work for me.


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