Banana Curve Down?
This morning I was looking in the mirror and have decided that I really hate my downward curve. It makes it look shorter, and it also looks like I don’t have a completely full erection. I straitened it out with my hands and it looked bigger and better. Ive now changed my goal to 8x6(straight penis).
Now I’m not completely sure if my curve is do to curvature, or if my penis dimensions are causing the end to weigh down. I am 5.0 mid shaft and only a little over 4.5 at the base. I am also 7.25 inches long which is probably disproportionate to my girth. If this is the case all I have to do is work on girth and I should be fine. Right? Though if it is curvature things are going to get complicated. Has any body here fixed a down ward curve. How did you do it?
The company’s that make extenders say that the devices will fix curvature but that does not make sense to me, especially for my case when the extender is stretching WITH the curvature.
Insight is appreciated.