Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Been there, done that



thanks for the info. I bought some yesterday because my better half sometimes complains that my semen tastes somewhat on the sour side. I knew about the PA. Looking at your name, are you a Raiders or Tampa fan by any chance?

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Excellent post! Welcome bro!

Definitely I would try pineapple!

Kalo is another useful information, but don’t you feel painful that you have to tweeze hairs at first?


I am in the same area you are in. You are a very inspirational individual. I wish you the best in your endeavor. Your personal history and your ability to articulate it will be a help to all of us.

How do you like the waterways here in Brevard County. I moved here a number of years ago and just love it.

Good luck and enjoy the area.


Thanks for sharing, and welcome!



Aaarrhhhhhhhh!! Steve me matey!! Ya salty dog! Aaaaaaaaaarrrrhh!

Ye postin skills makin me want fer to walk me own plank!! Never has me one naked eye been privy to such prose. Should it be yer skill wit yer sword be comparable to yer yarnin’ ———no ladie or wench be safe!!

—- I salute ya!


I thought eating celery made your cum taste sweet?

Becoming.... Godsize

Some responses to queries:

Uncut4Big - The coral calcium gets my PH into the normal range. I would suggest getting some litmus paper and testing your PH first, and then using it every week to get the dosage of calcium right to keep you at the correct PH. I got my litmus paper on a roll at a pharmacy for about $5. Not everyone is acidic, and perhaps you would not even need to adjust your PH. Also, the more water I drink, the less calcium I need to balance the PH. I am not a Raiders or Tampa fan per se. The Pirate moniker has been thrown on me for years by pretty much everyone who meets me in person. I’m not sure, but I think it has something to do with the boat, long hair, beard and eye patch. Of course it started with just the patch, but people gave me such crap about being a Pirate I finally got over being embarrassed or angry at having only one eye and just went with the flow.

678 - I like Brevard. People are nice, water is calm. The river is fine, but I prefer clear water. PM me with an e-mail, perhaps we could share a few brewskis some evening.

rainsea, in answer to your question of weather tweezing pubic hairs hurts, I must report: I’ve been married twice. Yanking pubic hairs is nothing in comparison.

CaptnHook - I see I am in fine Pirate company here, thanks for your kind praise. Are you indeed a cyclops like myself, or is that literary license?

Prickle, I never heard of celery. Do you use it? It would certainly be more difficult to find in the islands. I only chanced on pineapple because a fellow gave me two of them while I was in Miami. By the time I finished the second one, a girl I was seeing remarked how sweet my semen was. Then I got a lot more feedback, and I now eat fresh pineapple for breakfast every day.

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

Originally posted by PirateSteve

CaptnHook - I see I am in fine Pirate company here, thanks for your kind praise. Are you indeed a cyclops like myself, or is that literary license?

Steve- A bit of both: I suffered a massive tear of my right cornea 10 years ago. I now re-tear it a couple of times a year just by opening my eyes too quickly on a dry morning or by having even the mildest pressure put on it - it healed poorly and I’m too lazy/chicken-shit to get it cleaned up (“yellow-dog” in pirate parlance)- so I’m only an occasional pirate-eye. But like you, me mateys have taken creative licence with me nick-name.

The ‘Hook’ of the moniker is pretty easy to decipher given the forum we’re in—- though that is slowly becoming a mute point using what I’ve learned here. Call me —Capn’Optimistic

BTW- I envy your starting girth. You lucky scurvy-dog!


thanks for clearing that up. I bought some Coral Calcium and it says there on the bottle that it’s good for nerves, the heart and strong bones. I think balancing the PH levels is a pleasant side effect.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

That is such an awesome first post.

Tell me Piratedude, what’s it like going to a swingers party for the first time? Must be so nervous! But man, to have girls going crazy for your semen, that is just awesome.

You also mentioned the ex is with you, have you shown her your extra 2 inches yet?

I almost constantly have caffeine or guarana in my system due to body building/fat burning reasons, and I’ve also notice the “shriveled factor” from time to time.. Lately I’ve been switching a large procentage of it to ginseng and that actually prevents most part of the shrinkage.

Also I think that caffine and guarana makes the semen taste sour and bitter… Certain medicines can also cause the semen to taste like poison…
I really need to try pineapple, that sounds great! =)


Welcome aboard, and thanks for dredging up my old post! I am honored you chose it to “come out”. My brother in law is Swedish. Lovely people, that part of the family. Always hoped to visit, in the dead of summer of course!

Yes, Caffeine will make your semen bitter. Same goes for a woman’s juices. Caffeine and guarana are PH killers. The ginseng tip is a good one. Perhaps it effects the PH? While pineapple is wonderful, the biggest effect will be noticed only after you have gotten your PH in the good range. I have found it is all about PH. Oh, and water. Drinking lot’s of water really will increase your flaccid hang (read my water water everywhere post).

I have recently been informed that papaya will give the same effect as pineapple, but have not experimented yet. I will be sure to report my findings as soon as I prove or disprove this. I look forward to reading more of your posts Swedeguy!

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

thanks for your post,very useful and movitable!


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