Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Best sex, longer unit and best wood ever!


Best sex, longer unit and best wood ever!

This is a follow up to a thread I started a few weeks ago. But before commenting on better wood I want to mention that I have just recently started back with my pe exercises and have gained another 1/8th inch average on my bpel. About 6.25 EG and almost 6 FG. It is just OVER 8 3/4” BPEG (maybe 8 15/16”) and about 6” FL on average. Using a slightly modified approach that incorporates heat-pumping, and flacid downward jelq/stretch. Here is the routine: Oil up hands with olive oil (or cooking oil) Begin downward aggressive jelqing while flacid. Do this about 5 minutes. Insert penis into warmed vacuum tube and pump to stretch and warm connective tissue for 5 minutes. Repeat flacid downward jelq. Repeat heat pumping. Keep alternating for 30 minutes. End with 5 minutes of unheated pump (to “harden” the connective tissue in the elongated phase). Then I wear a velcroe wrap or a series of elastic bands to keep flacid elongated to erect length. Wear this to work (30 min drive) then take bands off before going in to work. As I explained a year ago, I wrap an electric heating pad around the tube and put the setting on high. Believe the heat softens and the vacuum and jelqing stretches the elastic tissue and then it gets frozen in place. Sure do get crotch glances every where I go. Just can’t hide the old snake anymore.

And now for the better wood and sex: I wrote to you a few weeks ago about Pinnacle NoX2 hemodilator. Read that some of you are having a similar success with the stuff. I can only say that is is still working wonders for me. I am a grandpaw in my late 50’s (but in real good shape for a grandpaw). Use a bowflex…hair still dark, etc. lots of energy. I wake up everyday with good wood. Wake up at night with it. Hang real fat while flacid. Have a much shorter refractory period….and the second orgasm is as intense and easy to get as the first. Ahhhhhh! Its like being 20 again. I get one, give one, and get another, all within 20 minutes or so. And sensitivity is excellent. NoX2 really works for me. There are other brands of the stuff. Wanted to inform my buds on the site about it. You may want to add NoX2 and heat pumping to your regiment. Good pullin, MXL

I saw that first thread, MagnumXL, glad to know it’s working well. Keep up the good work.

Sep. 2003: 7" bpel x 5" eg June 2004: 7 & 1/4" bp x 5 & 3/8" eg Jan. 2005: 7.5 x 5.5 Goal: 8x6 "I always knew pe existed but didn't know where to start, until I found Thundersplace."

Yup, I found a place fairly near to here that carries Pinnacle NoX2, I do plan on giving it a go sometime for more erectile and general blood plumpness, and help with girth excercises. I too saw you mention it first in that other thread, thank you very much!

I hope that you are not on the payroll for NOX2, I bought a bottle after I saw the first post. When the brown truck shows up, I’ll try it out.

Sex since I started PE’ing four months ago has been intense. My wife is a hard orgasmer, takes a long time and has to be perfect, until now! I have only gained about 1/2 inch in length and about the same in girth, but it seems to have made a huge difference. It’s a 3 to 1 ratio all the time now, her 3 to my one. Talk about a confidence booster!

I Bought myself a bottle as well Magnum. This is my first supplement beyond regular L-larginine. I just received it in the mail this afternoon.
I had been using a similar exercise with a pump and heat pad a couple years ago. This is when I received my initial gains and have been trying to find a way to replicate them ever since. I think I may try to get back into the pumping.

Striving for a greater girth,


Magnum ,

I have just finished my first bottle and as you say this stuff is fantastic. I bought two and I plan on continuing with this stuff. At 47 I was prone to once and then sleep. Now its three times a night (Or more but wifey wont go for more) if I choose to. It is awesome. Our thanks to you for this info!!!!

Is that the same as Pinnacle NoX2 Myodilator Support pills? I assume it is or serves the same function. What many don’t realize about L-Arginine as I gathered from a health store owner is that most of it gets destroyed in the digestive process and you would have to take huge amounts for it to affect blood flow into Mr Johnson. NoX2 seems to work around this problem by making the Arginine much more assimilable in the system. Thanks for posting, JelkyWadHolmes working on breaking the Mach9 barrier.

After I read your first thread, I went out and bought the NO2 hemodilator and couldnt agree more with all of your points. My flaccid hang is great, my orgasms are great, I get morning wood that cant be beaten. It is a great product.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Is there any difference between this NOX2 product you speak of and the product it copied call NO2?

NO2 is a more expensive product that claims to release slowly over a 16 hour period. I just started taking NO2 today.


Don’t you get a bad doughnut effect from that routine?

One foot to go

On people are saying that the effect of NO2 or NOX2 wears off after a while. Do you guys that have used this stuff for a while have any comments on this?

Originally Posted by Jambaz
On people are saying that the effect of NO2 or NOX2 wears off after a while. Do you guys that have used this stuff for a while have any comments on this?

Those guys over there state that the “pumped effect” wears off after awhile. They do not mention erections or any other penis related information in regards to nox2. Their not focused on that kind of stuff. However, those guys lovea suplement called cold fusion by legalgear. Its a liquid form of no2 for 30 bucks.


I assume that when the “pumped effect” wears off it’s because the levels of NO in the body returns to normal. Their focus is on their muscles so they don’t mention erections and such of course. But it still suggests that NO levels return to normal at some point, an issue which is of relevance to us.

It keeps on working, and working, and working!

All I can say is that this discovery is second only to taking up pe. It is great having a long fat unit with pe and then having it work better than ever because of hemodilators. I have tried another, cheaper brand of Arginine alpha keto glutartate. It is BSN brand called Nitrix. Works just as good. I even have to say that it even increases my pleasure level. Sensitivity is great, refractory period is much shorter, more wood, much firmer wood. Wow!!! What can I say. I have ordered another brand by Universal called NOX3. It is only $27 for 180 pills. Havn’t tried it yet. I think any brand will work as long as it has I get them at and Just had to share this discovery with my buds on the board. This is much cheaper than cialis or viagra. Good pullin, MXL


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