Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Best way to measure girth.


MrP-P, you just made me involuntarily jump in the air and grab my groin. That is just *wrong*.


August 2004: 5.0" EL NBP 4.9" EG August 2005 5.75 EL NBP 5.5" EG May 2006 6.25 EL NBP 6.25 EG

May 2008 6.25 EL BP 5.5 EG

After you have inserted you penis into your wife/girlfriend. Then take your measurement from there. That should be a full erection and it wont go down.

Take a measurement with the wife then take one with the girlfriend. See if they are the same. The girlfriend might give slightly higher readings.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Originally Posted by deadeye3200
After you have inserted you penis into your wife/girlfriend. Then take your measurement from there. That should be a full erection and it wont go down.

Take a measurement with the wife then take one with the girlfriend. See if they are the same. The girlfriend might give slightly higher readings.

I thought this thread was going in an entirely different direction. :) I am with deadeye on this one. She will tell you what size you are by the following chart:

The Girth Chart According to Female Expressions*

Small: “Ho Hum, I need to do laundry because he needs to wrap a sock around that.”

Average: “At least I need to do less laundry.”

Above Average: “Looking good there slugger.”

Big: “Wow! That feels good!”

Pretty Big: “Is this a penis or a national monument?”

Huge: “You are huge! I’ve never seen anything like that!”

Massive: “My ex is way bigger than that.”

-Tom “Magnum P.E.” Foolery

(*Not all woman are like this - especially not our wonderful members.)

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS


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