Black and blue. Questioning my rational thinking.
Well guys. My dick is black and blue. Really more of a dark plum color on the head, underside of the shaft and on the top side of the shaft on the end. I haven’t done anything radical, just hanging, squeezing and jelqing. I’ve laid off of PE for almost three weeks now because of the bruising and am having a hard time trying to understand why I am considering going back to my PE regimen. I must be stupid. Why in the Hell would anyone do this to themselves? My wife has even commented on the bruising on my wang. She even said I should take a break and I informed her that I was indeed on a break. This is the woman who bought me a Bib hanger and went out of her way to give me privacy and encouragement to continue my PE efforts. My dick looks bad even after the break and I’m still considering starting my jelqing and squeezing sessions again tonight. I’m starting to think I have a mental defect. You would think I would spend my time trying to find a way to make more money, learn to play the guitar, learn more skills for my trade, etc., but no I’m thinking of my dick only. Absolutely insane. What’s worse even is that I’m sitting here typing this crap out for everyone to read. Guess I must need some sort of encouragement or just to vent. I talk to my wife, but she doesn’t fully understand even though she tries hard to. Today, I will begin yet again to abuse myself in pursuit of the “big one”. My erections vary anywhere from 6.75BPEL x 4.5EG to just above 7.00BPEL x 4.75EG. I’m starting to get comfortable with my length, but my girth just bothers me to no end. I think maybe I should just get comfortable with the girth too before I hurt myself trying to make it something it is not.
Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5