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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Blind Date



>The problem with that situation is that there is really nothing you can do in retaliation <

“Hey don’t knock it till you tried it! Besides it was half way down my leg until you got your mangled tits out! Why are you so affected by this? Has it happened with other guys when you took your top off? Listen i’m not saying anything bad about you or anything, I think you’re quite pretty. No honestly, i’ve seen uglier girls”

>You’re left out there, naked, holding your pride. How does one spot these women in the first place? Perhaps its not a good idea to take of your pants on the first date and on national television.<

Yes I hear you, if you know you are small and you whip it out anyway what do you expect? But he didn’t deserve that though IMO.



Oh, I agree with you totally, he didn’t deserve this; no one does. It shows how truely shallow this particular female was and it’s a good thing that he (and North America) found this horrible trait sooner rather than later. I’m a firm believer that homo-phobes tend to have a streak of gay in them and those that point out others insecurites are often insecure themselves. Hopefully the gentleman will be able to positivly bounce back from the experience.

Haha.. I like your comeback. Funny and true; a very lethal combination.

It’s a sad fact of life that there are people like this out there. As a reasonably good looking guy I’m TURNED OFF by women that consider me only because of my looks. When talking to them, I feel fake and shallow. You’d have to pay me a lot to go out with blind date chick; I truely can’t stand women like that.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

That show is scripted. The people on that show are actors.

But I like how the people get made fun of in that “pop up video” style. That’s the best part about it.

Becoming.... Godsize


she was the CEO of an investment firm!!! So I guess she has studied the market thoroughly, and she has her own *indicators* and indexes to fix a martek value for each *commodity*. And this guy was *selling short* on a *down tick*, which is a violation for her!


>As a reasonably good looking guy I’m TURNED OFF by women that consider me only because of my looks.<

As an ugly bastard I am incredibly turned ON by women that are only after me for my looks haha. I get what you are saying, but good looks (as well as good luck) will get you more chances with more women, so if you meet one you like and fuck up when talking to her, your looks are like a ‘buffer zone’, you can get away with some stuff.

Good Luck


Man, that show CAN’T be scripted. I would bet that it’s produced (as in there’s much footage taken that’s never aired), but most of the dates are too horrible to be scripted. I find it very entertaining. Kind of a primer of what NOT to do on a date.


I’m going to have to use that! I loved it….


> I get what you are saying, but good looks (as well as good luck) will get you more chances with more women<

You’d think so. Maybe it’s true, but until I got some confidence (read: a couple of months ago) and a backbone, I had trouble getting dates and/or sex. I’m in my mid-twenties and haven’t changed much physically since my early twenties. I think that women are generally not as ‘looks’ focused as guys are towards women. The things that all women seem to love are confidence, money and a large dick. Take any two and you should have no problem getting the chicks. Looks are just icing, but defintely not the cake.

Back to the dicksercise….


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Originally posted by tug_monkey

You'd think so. Maybe it's true, but until I got some confidence (read: a couple of months ago) and a backbone, I had trouble getting dates and/or sex. I'm in my mid-twenties and haven't changed much physically since my early twenties. I think that women are generally not as 'looks' focused as guys are towards women. The things that all women seem to love are confidence, money and a large dick. Take any two and you should have no problem getting the chicks. Looks are just icing, but defintely not the cake.

Back to the dicksercise….

Well said!

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Heh heh… Thanks for the kudos…

Yeah, confidence rules with the ladies. Unfortunately the converse is also true. Some women will sense weaknesses in men and totally go out of their way to make them feel bad. Hell, it’s happened to me in the past and to my friends.

I saw an episode of Blind Date where two guys went out with twins. The twins were pretty attractive and the guys were obviously very interested. Anyway, by the end of the date, the girls easily got the guys to go back to the hot tub. The twins convinced the dudes that if they took off their shorts, the twins would remove their tops (not a fair trade, IMHO :) ). The guys removed their bottoms without hesitation. The twins grabbed the bottoms and threw them far from the tub, then got up and left. I was shaking my head the entire time. It was quite a sad spectacle. It was clear to see who had the power in that date and how that power was misused.

Why do women do it? Dunno, perhaps to offset their low self esteem….

Of course if the dude had a huge cock, he might slowly get out of the tub and get his shorts amidst their gawking stares. Then say something like “Do that again and I never talk to you again.” Now that’s a fine display of confidence!


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause


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