Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bone pressed question.

Bone pressed question.

Hello All,

Here’s my beef for today. I’ve been at this for a while, off and on, I am moving to warmer climates soon and have promised myself as of next monday to really lay down the heat on PE… but there is just one thing.

The bone pressed question. I am about a hair over 6 inches, not having made any gains from PE yet… So far I’ve just been amassing knowledge so that when I move - I won’t have a computer - I can take care of my main member. Anyway, I’m a hair over 6 inches erect and almost 7 inches BPEL now that seems not to be fair. I am not willing to say I am almost 7 inches especially when the woman in my life only feels 6 of it. Also I am not over weight… I’m around 155lbs and 5ft 9in tall. I am a little out of shape due to severe case of lyme’s disease. So I have to work on my body too. But how much gain do most of you get from erect length to bone pressed length. I’m especially interested in those of us who are in pretty good shape. Like I used to be. Is there any chance I can decrease this mound a little and free up some extra centimeters for my girl, that would make me closer to an honest 7in and then only have one inch left til 8in

I hope I was clear enough

When I was reasonably lean at about 155 pounds (at 5’10”), pre-PE, I had about .75” difference between NBP and BP. Now that I’m fatter it’s more. The difference seems to vary among guys even at similar bodyfat percentages.

I think it depends on where you tend to store fat, the shape of your pubic bone, how high or low your dick exits your body, and also measuring technique. On the latter I mean whether you position the ruler on the high spot of the bone or below, where the bone curves in.

>when I move - I won’t have a computer

Library. :)

i am 5’11” and weigh 170 lbs.

.75 is my difference NBP (6”) vs BP (6.75”)

I want to get as close to 7 NBP as i can.

I started at 5.25”/5.75” about 7 months ago

I feel much better now!

Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...

Originally posted by Pubbha
I am not willing to say I am almost 7 inches especially when the woman in my life only feels 6 of it

Then consider yourself to have a penis a hair over 6” in length. It’s a personal view that you have to agree with yourself on. There are others with your measurements who would say they have a 7 inch penis. That’s fine too.
The only thing that can’t be debated is that bone pressed measurements give the most accurate indication of progress.
Everything else is in the way that you choose to look at it.

And for the record I choose to view my non-bone pressed measurement as my size.

good luck—-Cap

BTW- No computer? How will you survive??!! If I were you I’d think about printing off a few of your favorite posts and keep them for inspiration.

<Originally posted by hobby

When I was reasonably lean at about 155 pounds (at 5’10”), pre-PE, I had about .75” difference between NBP and BP. Now that I’m fatter it’s more. The difference seems to vary among guys even at similar bodyfat percentages.

I think it depends on where you tend to store fat, the shape of your pubic bone, how high or low your dick exits your body, and also measuring technique. On the latter I mean whether you position the ruler on the high spot of the bone or below, where the bone curves in.

>when I move - I won’t have a computer

Library. :) >

I tatally agree with hobby and his observations. I’m now being sure that I place my ruler lying on its edge/side on my penis for measuring. This ensures that the base of the ruler spans across the hight point of my pubic bone. If I do it the other way I measure 7.1” BPEL, but that is incorrect.

I’ve got about 9.8-10.5% bodyfat and have about 5/8 to 3/4 inch difference in my BPEL and my NBPEL.

I still feel that the soft fat pad will not necessarily prevent you from using as much of your length as possible. I believe the limiting factor is your hip bones and the sexual position used. Her labia and your fat pad give if you can find the position to smash them down in to go in deep.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Do something that lowers overall body fat and increase your muscle mass and you may find that you will still weigh 155 but look leaner and healthier. (muscle weighs more than fat) Spot reductions (crunches) are often not too effective without an overall regime of exercise because you need to raise your metabolic rate in order to continue burning calories at a good rate. Watch your diet i.e., eat well, don’t starve yourself but make sure you are doing enough exercise to burn more than you take in. There is no mystery to weight loss—people make it more complicated than it has to be.

My recommendation is running or swimming.
If running is to hard on the knees then try running in the deep end of a swimming pool with a flotation device that will keep you in the upright position and there will be relatively no stress on your joints but you will still get the cardiovascular benefits. As a hardcore Marathon runner—this was my only option when I would receive an ankle or knee injury. Many Olympic Distance runners do this to maintain conditioning and weight during an injury.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Originally posted by Kojack10
I'm now being sure that I place my ruler lying on its edge/side on my penis for measuring. This ensures that the base of the ruler spans across the hight point of my pubic bone. If I do it the other way I measure 7.1” BPEL, but that is incorrect.

Hey Kojack—
Just curious as to how much of a discrepancy you get between the two methods of measuring (ruler on edge vs ruler flat).
You say when done the other way 7.1” is not correct. Is that measurement more or is it less than what it should be?


Yes, spot reduction is just about unheard of. You have to reduce your overall bodyfat. This is best achieved not by cardio alone, but by the proper diet, weightlifting, and cardio.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Measuring the way that I feel is most accurate, I measure 6.813” BPEL. That reads at about 6 7/8” and by easing the ruler deeper under the crest of my pubic bone I get about 71/16 to 71/8”

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Thanks Kojak-
I like the sound of the edge of ruler method. I’d heard of this but it never made much sense until now. Easing the ruler under the pubic bone has been my method of finding BPEL. The problem has been the pain and resistance of that thing digging into sore ligs.
It does screw up my stats a bit - changing methods this late into PE - but I’ll deal.
I have a date with my nemesis on Halloween night. I’ll try this method then…


BTW- nice body fat % - you sound like a boxer at a pre-fight weigh-in.

Bone pressed means pushing the ruler into the fatty pad as far as possible right?

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